A pin in chess immobilizes an opponent’s piece by targeting it in line with a more valuable piece behind it.
This tactic not only restricts the opponent’s mobility but also creates potential vulnerabilities in their position.
A pin can occur along files, ranks, or diagonals, always involving three pieces: the attacker, the pinned piece, and the piece behind the pinned one.
Types of Pins
The two main types of pins:
Absolute Pin
An absolute pin is not just a tactic but a rule adherence, where the pinned piece is legally prohibited from moving because doing so would expose the king to check.
The king, being the most valuable piece, is the piece behind the pinned one in this scenario, and moving the pinned piece would violate the rules of chess.
Relative Pin
In a relative pin, the piece behind the pinned one is of lower value than the king, often a queen or rook.
While moving the pinned piece is legal, it’s typically undesirable because it would allow the attacker to capture the more valuable piece behind it.
Examples of a Pin
Let’s look at some examples of a pin.
Absolute Pin Example
A pin is common in the most common opening – the Ruy Lopez.
Out of the Berlin Defense (variation of the Ruy Lopez), the bishop on b5 attacks the c6 knight.
If the d7 pawn moves to d6, the knight remains pinned given it can’t move to open up the king to check.

Another example of an absolute pin involves pawns protecting the king.
Below the g2 pawn can’t move while the king is placed on h2, given it would expose the king to check.
Relative Pin Example
An example of a relative pin would be if the queen moved behind the knight.
Now if the c6 knight were to move, it would expose the queen to capture.

Employing the Pin Effectively
Creating Weaknesses
Utilizing a pin can force your opponent into a defensive position, often prompting them to make suboptimal moves to protect their pinned piece.
This defensive posture can create weaknesses elsewhere on the board, allowing you to gain a positional or material advantage.
Exploiting Vulnerabilities
A pin can also exploit existing vulnerabilities in your opponent’s position.
If your opponent has a poorly defended piece, or if their pieces are awkwardly placed, a well-timed pin can amplify these issues, forcing them to navigate through additional complications.
Defending Against Pins
Anticipating the Threat
Defending against pins begins with recognizing potential threats before they materialize.
By consistently evaluating the alignment of your pieces and your opponent’s attacking pieces, you can reposition vulnerable pieces before a pin occurs.
In some instances, counterattacking can be an effective response to a pin.
If your opponent has committed resources to establish a pin, there may be opportunities to exploit their position, potentially creating threats that outweigh the initial pin.
Neutralizing the Pin
Breaking a pin often involves attacking the pinning piece or providing additional support to the pinned piece.
Moving the king, defending the pinned piece, or attacking the pinning piece are all viable strategies to neutralize a pin, depending on the specific position on the board.
Q&A – Pin in Chess
What is a “pin” in chess?
A pin is a tactical maneuver in chess where a piece is restricted from moving because doing so would expose a more valuable piece behind it to capture.
Essentially, the pinned piece is “stuck” shielding the more valuable piece.
How does a pin work in chess?
A pin works by targeting two pieces in a line, where one piece (the pinned piece) is in front of a more valuable piece.
The piece in the front is pinned because moving it would expose the piece behind it to capture.
For example, if a bishop is targeting both a knight and the king behind it, the knight is pinned to the king because moving the knight would put the king in check.
What are the different types of pins in chess?
There are two main types of pins in chess:
- Absolute Pin: This is when the piece behind the pinned piece is the king. In this case, moving the pinned piece is illegal because it would place the king in check.
- Relative Pin: This is when the piece behind the pinned piece is of higher value but not the king. Moving the pinned piece in this scenario is legal, but it might not be a good idea because it would allow the more valuable piece behind it to be captured.
How can a player exploit a pin to their advantage?
A player can exploit a pin in several ways:
- Gaining Material: By attacking the pinned piece with another piece, the opponent might be forced to sacrifice the pinned piece.
- Creating Threats: With the pinned piece immobilized, a player can create other threats elsewhere on the board, knowing that the opponent has fewer resources to counter.
- Improving Position: A player can use the time to improve their position, centralize their pieces, or advance pawns while the opponent’s pinned piece is out of play.
How can a player defend against a pin?
Defending against a pin can be achieved in several ways:
- Breaking the Pin: Moving the more valuable piece from behind the pinned piece.
- Defending the Pinned Piece: Bringing another piece to defend the pinned piece can alleviate the pressure.
- Attacking the Pinning Piece: If the piece causing the pin can be attacked or threatened, it might force the opponent to retreat.
What pieces can create a pin in chess?
The pieces that can create a pin are the long-range pieces: the bishop, rook, and queen.
These pieces can control long diagonals or files, making them effective at pinning opponent pieces from a distance.
Is a pin considered a tactical motif in chess?
Yes, a pin is considered one of the fundamental tactical motifs in chess.
Mastering the concept of pins, along with other tactics like forks and skewers, is crucial for players looking to improve their game.
How does a pin differ from a skewer in chess?
While a pin and a skewer both involve two pieces being attacked in a line, their dynamics are reversed.
In a pin, the less valuable piece is in front, shielding the more valuable piece behind it.
In a skewer, the more valuable piece is in front, and when it moves, the less valuable piece behind it is captured.
Below is an example of an absolute skewer done by a bishop, where the king will have to move, exposing the queen behind it.
This is an example of the skewer that may develop out of the Greek Gift Sacrifice.
An example line that captures the queen via an absolute skewer:
1. e4 e6 2. d4 d5 3. e5 Bb4+ 4. Nc3 Ne7 5. Bd3 O-O 6. Nf3 Nbc6 7. Bxh7+ Kxh7 8. Ng5+ Kg8 9. Qh5 Re8 10. Qh7+ Kf8 11. Qh8+ Ng8 12. Nh7+ Ke7 13. Bg5+ Kd7 14. Bxd8
Can a king be pinned in chess? If so, how?
The king itself cannot be pinned since it’s the most valuable piece.
However, other pieces can be absolutely pinned to the king.
This means that the piece is directly in front of the king and cannot move without exposing the king to check.
For example, if a bishop is targeting both a knight and the king behind it, the knight is absolutely pinned to the king.
The pin, while seemingly straightforward, harbors a depth of strategic complexity that can dictate the flow of a chess game.
Mastering its application and defense not only enhances your tactical toolkit but also elevates your understanding of positional play and piece coordination.
Whether you’re immobilizing your opponent’s pieces with an absolute pin or delicately navigating through a relative pin, the strategic use of this tactic can be the linchpin of your chess strategy.