A check is one of the most important concepts in chess.
What Is a Check in Chess?
A check in chess is a situation where a player’s king is under immediate threat of capture by the opponent’s pieces. This condition requires the player to make a move that eliminates the threat to the king, as failing to do so, and leaving the king in check, is against the rules of chess.
Here we explore what a check is in chess, how it is achieved, and its significance in the game.
We will also discuss different types of checks, provide examples, and offer insights to help you understand this fundamental aspect of chess.
The objective of chess is to checkmate the opponent’s king, which means putting the king in a position where it is under attack and cannot escape capture.
A crucial step towards achieving checkmate is placing the opponent’s king in a state of “check.”
In chess, a check occurs when a player’s king is under immediate attack by an opponent’s piece.
When a check is delivered, the player whose king is under threat must respond by moving their king out of danger, blocking the attack, or capturing the attacking piece.
Not being able to get out of check results in checkmate, and the game is over.
What Is a Check?
A check is a situation in chess where a player’s king is under immediate threat of capture by an opponent’s piece.
It is a warning sign that the king is vulnerable and requires immediate attention.
When a check is delivered, the player must respond by taking appropriate action to protect their king.
It is important to note that a check does not necessarily mean the game is over.
It is a critical moment that demands careful analysis and decision-making.
The player in check must find a way to neutralize the threat and regain control of the game.
How to Achieve a Check
A check can be achieved by moving a piece in such a way that it directly attacks the opponent’s king.
The attacking piece can be a pawn, knight, bishop, rook, or queen.
The specific rules for each piece’s movement and attack patterns determine how a check can be delivered.
Here are some general guidelines on how each piece can achieve a check:
- A pawn can deliver a check by controlling the two single squares diagonal to it.
- If a pawn reaches the opponent’s back rank, it can be promoted to a queen, rook, bishop, or knight, which can then deliver a check.
- A knight can deliver a check by moving in an L-shape, jumping over other pieces.
- The knight’s unique movement allows it to attack squares that other pieces cannot reach, making it a valuable piece for delivering unexpected checks.
- The knight is also the one piece capable of delivering a smothered mate.
- A bishop can deliver a check by moving diagonally and attacking the opponent’s king.
- Unlike a knight, a bishop cannot jump over other pieces, so its movement is limited to the color of squares it starts on.
- A rook can deliver a check by moving horizontally or vertically and attacking the opponent’s king.
- It is important to note that a rook cannot jump over other pieces, so its movement is limited to the path it takes.
- A queen can deliver a check by combining the movement patterns of a rook and a bishop.
- It can move horizontally, vertically, or diagonally, making it the most powerful piece for delivering checks.
We show the checking capabilities of each of these pieces in the examples in a section below.
Types of Checks
In chess, checks can be classified into various types based on the pieces delivering the check and the board situation:
Regular Check
- A basic check where one piece (other than a pawn) threatens the opponent’s king.
- Example: A queen moving to a square where it attacks the enemy king.
Double Check
- Occurs when two pieces give check to the opponent’s king simultaneously.
- Example: Moving a pawn to uncover a check from a rook and a bishop simultaneously.
- Requires the king to move, as no other response can remove both threats at once.
Discovery Check
- Happens when a piece moves and uncovers a check from another piece.
- Example: Moving a knight to reveal a check from a rook or queen.
- Can be very powerful as it often allows the checking piece to make another threatening move simultaneously.
Pawn Check
- A check given by a pawn, which can only check a king that is immediately adjacent to it diagonally.
- Example: A pawn moving forward to attack a king positioned diagonally to it.
Perpetual Check
- A situation where one player can continually check the opponent’s king, preventing the opponent from making any other move.
- A series of checks can lead to a draw if there’s no way to escape the checks due to a three-fold repetition.
Below is a perpetual check where the queen can keep checking the king if it keeps moving from c8 to d7.
Each type of check has its own implications and requires specific responses to ensure the king’s safety.
Understanding these different types of checks is crucial for both offensive and defensive play in chess.
Examples of Checks
Let’s explore a few examples of checks to illustrate how they occur and their impact on the game:
Example 1
This is an example of check, as the rook takes another rook, which results in a check.
The king will need to take the rook back in this situation.
Example 2
This is an example of not just check, but checkmate with the queen and bishop.
The white king has three escape squares (b8, b7, and a7).
The queen covers b8 and b7 while the bishop covers a7.
Example 3
This is another example of checkmate.
The queen covers 6 of the black king’s 8 escape squares (including potentially capturing the queen, which it can’t do because it’s protected by the knight).
The c3 square is covered by the pawn.
The c5 square is covered by the bishop.
This example is instructive because it shows the checking capabilities of 4 of the main 5 pieces (excluding rooks, which were shown above).
Example 4: Discovered Checkmate
A checkmate can sometimes be achieved via a discovered checkmate.
This means pulling a piece away to provide a check, which is also checkmate.
The game below is an example:

Pulling the rook back is a discovered checkmate.

Significance of Checks
Checks play a crucial role in chess and have several significant implications:
Forcing Moves
Checks are forcing moves, meaning the player in check must respond.
This limits their options and often forces them to make specific moves to protect their king.
By delivering a check, a player can dictate the course of the game and put pressure on their opponent.
Creating Opportunities
Checks can create opportunities for the attacking player.
When a player’s king is in check, they must prioritize defending their king, potentially neglecting other areas of the board.
This can allow the attacking player to exploit weaknesses and gain an advantage in other parts of the game.
The ultimate goal of delivering checks is to achieve checkmate.
Checkmate occurs when the opponent’s king is in check, and there is no legal move to remove it from danger. It is the winning condition in chess and signifies the end of the game.
FAQs – What Is a Check in Chess?
What happens when a player is in check?
When a player is in check, they must respond by moving their king out of danger, blocking the attack, or capturing the attacking piece.
Being not able to do so results in checkmate, and the game is over.
Can a check be ignored?
No, a check cannot be ignored. The player in check must take immediate action to protect their king.
Can a check be blocked?
Yes, a check can be blocked by placing a piece between the attacking piece and the king.
This prevents the attack and neutralizes the check.
Can a king capture the attacking piece to remove the check?
Yes, a king can capture the attacking piece to remove the check.
However, this is not always the best move, as it may expose the king to further threats.
Can a check be delivered by a pawn?
Yes, a pawn can deliver a check by moving diagonally to capture the opponent’s king.
Additionally, if a pawn reaches the opponent’s back rank, it can be promoted to a more powerful piece that can then deliver a check.
What is a discovered check?
A discovered check occurs when one piece moves, uncovering an attack from another piece.
The piece that moves does not directly attack the opponent’s king, but the piece it uncovers does.
What is a double check?
A double check occurs when two pieces simultaneously attack the opponent’s king.
This is the most powerful type of check as the opponent’s options for defense are severely limited.
Can a check be delivered by a king?
No, a king cannot deliver a check.
The king’s movement is limited, and it cannot move to a square that is under attack.
Can a check be delivered by a knight?
Yes, a knight can deliver a check by moving in an L-shape, jumping over other pieces.
The knight’s unique movement allows it to attack squares that other pieces cannot reach.
Can a check be delivered by a rook?
Yes, a rook can deliver a check by moving horizontally or vertically and attacking the opponent’s king.
However, it cannot jump over other pieces, so its movement is limited to the path it takes.
Can a check be delivered by a bishop?
Yes, a bishop can deliver a check by moving diagonally and attacking the opponent’s king.
However, it cannot jump over other pieces, so its movement is limited to the color of squares it starts on.
Can a check be delivered by a queen?
Yes, a queen can deliver a check by combining the movement patterns of a rook and a bishop.
It can move horizontally, vertically, or diagonally, making it the most powerful piece for delivering checks.
Can a check be delivered by a captured piece?
No, a captured piece cannot deliver a check.
Once a piece is captured, it is removed from the board and no longer has any influence on the game.
Can a check be delivered in the endgame?
Yes, checks can be delivered in the endgame.
In fact, the endgame is often characterized by checks and checkmate attempts as the number of pieces on the board decreases.
Can a check be delivered in the opening or middle game?
Yes, checks can be delivered in the opening and middle games.
However, they are less common compared to the endgame, as players focus on developing their pieces and controlling the center of the board.
Summary – What Is a Check in Chess?
A check in chess is a situation where a player’s king is under immediate threat of capture by an opponent’s piece.
It is a critical moment in the game that demands attention and strategic decision-making.
Checks can be achieved by moving pieces to attack the opponent’s king, and there are different types of checks, including discovered checks and double checks.
Checks are forcing moves that create opportunities and can ultimately lead to checkmate, the winning condition in chess.