How Many Possible Chess Games Are There? (Answered)

With its 64 squares and 32 pieces, the game offers a vast array of possibilities, leading many to wonder: just how many possible chess games are there?

To give a short answer to the number of possible chess games:

The estimated number of possible chess games, often referred to as the Shannon number, is expressed as an exponent as 10^120.

Here we’ll look into the mathematics and combinatorics behind this question, providing an insight into the immense complexity of this ancient game.

The Basics of Chess

Before diving into the numbers, it’s essential to understand the basic rules of chess.

Each player starts with 16 pieces: one king, one queen, two rooks, two knights, two bishops, and eight pawns.

The objective is to checkmate the opponent’s king, meaning it’s in a position to be captured and cannot escape.

Initial Moves and Possibilities

The game begins with white making the first move.

For the first two moves (one from white and one from black), there are 400 possible positions.

This is calculated by considering white’s 20 possible opening moves (16 pawn moves and 4 knight moves) and black’s subsequent 20 possible responses.

Expanding the Game Tree

As the game progresses, the number of possibilities explodes.

After three moves, there are about 121 million possible positions.

By the fourth move, this number jumps to approximately 319 billion.

This rapid growth is due to the increasing number of pieces that can move to different positions as the game unfolds.

The Shannon Number

Claude Shannon, a mathematician and the “father of information theory” who also theorized on what “solved chess” might look like, estimated the lower bound of the game-tree complexity of chess to be at least 10^120.

This number, often referred to as the “Shannon Number,” represents a conservative estimate of the total number of possible chess games.

To put this in perspective, there are estimated to be around 10^80 atoms in the observable universe.

Factors Limiting the Total Number

While the Shannon Number is vast, not all these games are legal or plausible.

Several factors reduce the total number of possible games:

  1. Threefold Repetition Rule: A game can end in a draw if the same position occurs three times.
  2. Fifty-move Rule: If 50 moves are made without a pawn move or a capture, the game can be declared a draw.
  3. Checkmate and Stalemate: Games can end before all possible moves are explored due to checkmate or stalemate.

How Do Chess Grandmasters Prepare When There Are So Many Possible Moves and Positions?

Chess, with its vast array of possible moves and positions, can seem like an insurmountable challenge to the uninitiated.

Yet, grandmasters consistently play games of extraordinary depth and precision.

How do they navigate this complex landscape?

The answer lies in their focused preparation and understanding of the game’s inherent logic.

Understanding the Essence of Chess

At its core, chess is a game of strategy and tactics. While there are countless possible moves, not all of them are good.

In fact, most moves are outright blunders.

Grandmasters have an innate understanding of the game’s principles, which helps them filter out weak moves and focus on the strongest ones.

Focusing on the Most Likely Moves

Grandmasters spend years studying opening theory.

This involves memorizing key sequences of moves in various openings and understanding the strategic ideas behind them.

By doing so, they can quickly navigate the early part of the game and reach a middle-game position they are familiar with.

However, it’s not just about memorization. Grandmasters also understand the reasons behind each move in their repertoire.

This means that even if their opponent deviates from known theory, they can still find strong moves based on their understanding of the position.

Recognizing Patterns

One of the key skills that separate grandmasters from less experienced players is their ability to recognize patterns.

Over years of play and study, grandmasters have seen thousands of positions and motifs.

This allows them to instantly recognize threats, opportunities, and typical plans in familiar structures.

It’s not so much about calculating every possible move, but rather recognizing patterns and knowing the typical responses to them.

Intuition and Experience

While calculation is an essential part of chess, grandmasters also rely heavily on their intuition.

This intuition is honed over years of playing and studying the game.

They develop a feel for what moves are likely to be strong in a given position, even without calculating every detail.

This allows them to quickly discard moves that don’t make sense and focus on the most promising ones.

Continuous Learning and Adaptation

Chess is a constantly evolving game. New opening ideas are developed, and old ones are refuted.

Grandmasters stay at the top of their game by continuously studying recent games, learning from their peers, and adapting to new trends.

This ensures that they are always prepared for the most likely moves and positions they will encounter in serious play.


While the number of possible moves and positions in chess is vast, grandmasters have developed methods to navigate this complexity effectively.

By focusing on the most likely and strongest moves, recognizing patterns, relying on their intuition, and continuously learning, they can consistently play at an incredibly high level.

It’s a testament to the depth of chess and the dedication of those who master it.

How many chess games are possible?

FAQs – How Many Possible Chess Games Are There?

1. What is the estimated number of possible chess games?

The number of possible chess games is astronomically large.

The Shannon number, named after Claude Shannon, estimates the lower bound of the game-tree complexity of chess to be at least 10^120.

This is a number so vast that it far exceeds the number of atoms in the observable universe.

2. How is the number of possible chess games calculated?

The calculation considers the number of possible moves at each stage of the game.

For instance, after two moves (one from white and one from black), there are 121 million possible positions.

After three moves, this number jumps to about 9 billion.

However, not all sequences lead to unique positions, so the actual number of distinct game positions is lower.

The Shannon number is an estimate based on average branching factors and typical game lengths.

3. Does this mean every chess game is unique?

Not necessarily. While there are a vast number of possible games, many games played by amateurs and even professionals follow well-known opening sequences.

However, the potential for unique games, especially when players deviate from standard openings, is immense.

4. How does the number of possible chess games compare to other games?

Chess has one of the highest game-tree complexities among popular board games.

For comparison, the game of Go, which is played on a 19×19 board, has an estimated game-tree complexity of 10^360.

This makes Go’s possible games far more than chess, despite chess’s already vast number.

5. Does the vast number of possible games make chess unpredictable?

To some extent, yes. The vast number of possibilities means that even the best players can’t foresee every potential outcome.

However, skilled players use strategies, pattern recognition, and experience to narrow down the most likely and beneficial moves.

6. How do computers handle the vast number of possible chess games?

Modern chess engines, like Stockfish or AlphaZero, use a combination of brute-force search and sophisticated evaluation functions to analyze positions.

They don’t evaluate every possible game but prune the search tree to consider only the most promising moves.

Advanced algorithms and machine learning also play a role in improving their efficiency.

7. If there are so many possible games, why do we see draws often in professional matches?

While there are many possible games, professional players study common positions, openings, and endgames extensively.

Their deep knowledge often leads to games where both players are aware of the best strategies, leading to draws.

Additionally, in many situations, a draw is a strategic choice to maintain a tournament position or ranking.

8. Does the number of possible games mean that chess will never be “solved”?

Theoretically, with enough computational power and time, chess could be “solved”, meaning a perfect strategy for both sides could be determined.

However, given the current state of technology and the vastness of the game-tree complexity, it’s unlikely to happen anytime soon.

9. How does the number of possible games impact the future of chess?

The immense number of possible games ensures that chess remains a rich and evolving game.

As players discover new strategies and computers continue to advance, the game will continue to offer fresh challenges and insights for players of all levels.

10. Are there any other interesting facts related to the number of possible chess games?

Yes! For instance, there are 400 possible positions after one move each, 121,000 after two moves, and about 319 million after three moves.

The number grows exponentially, showcasing the depth and complexity of chess.


The world of chess is vast and complex, with an almost incomprehensible number of possible games.

While the exact number is hard to pin down, the Shannon Number offers a glimpse into the game’s immense depth.

Whether you’re a seasoned grandmaster or a casual player, the beauty of chess lies in its endless possibilities and the challenge it presents to our strategic minds.

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