How Much Do Pro Chess Players Make? (Grandmaster Salaries)

As chess has evolved over the years, so has the potential for players to earn a living from it.

But how much do pro chess players and grandmasters actually make?

Here we look into the earnings of top-tier chess players, the factors that influence their income, and the various avenues through which they generate revenue.

The Elite Circle: World Champions and Top Grandmasters

The crème de la crème of the chess world earn the most. World Chess Champions and top Grandmasters (GMs) can command significant prize money from major tournaments.

For instance, the World Chess Championship prize fund can range from $1 million to $2 million, with the winner taking home a substantial portion. However, preparation typically involves having many coaches and seconds, who are paid out of this prize fund.

Apart from tournament winnings, these elite players also earn from sponsorships, endorsements, and appearance fees.

A top GM can earn anywhere from $100,000 to over $1 million annually, depending on their performance and marketability.

Mid-Tier Professionals: The Steady Earners

Not every professional chess player is a world champion or a top GM, but many still manage to earn a decent living.

Mid-tier professionals, often ranked between 2500 to 2650 in Elo ratings, regularly participate in international tournaments, leagues, and team events.

Their earnings primarily come from prize money, coaching, and sometimes from online content creation.

On average, a mid-tier professional might earn between $25,000 to $75,000+ annually from chess.

Levy Rozman, aka GothamChess, is an IM-level talent, but is the most successful chess streamer.

Online Platforms and Streaming: The New Revenue Stream

With the rise of platforms like Twitch, YouTube, and, many chess players have found a new way to monetize their skills and knowledge.

Streaming live games, creating instructional videos, and hosting online classes can be quite lucrative.

Popular chess streamers can earn from ad revenue, donations, subscriptions, and sponsorships.

Some well-known personalities in the online chess community have reported earnings of up to $100,000 or more per year solely from their online presence.

Hikaru Nakamura and the Botez Sisters are examples.

While Nakamura is one of the best players in the world, the Botez sisters are generally just 1800-2200 level strength.

Coaching and Writing: Traditional Income Avenues

Coaching has always been a reliable income source for many professional chess players.

Rates can vary widely based on the coach’s reputation, experience, and the level of the student.

Some top players charge upwards of $100 per hour for private lessons.

Additionally, writing chess books, articles, and producing online content can also supplement a player’s income.

Established authors in the chess community can earn a steady income from royalties and sales.

Factors Influencing Earnings

Several factors can influence a chess player’s earnings:

  1. Performance: Winning major tournaments can significantly boost a player’s income.
  2. Popularity: A player’s marketability can lead to sponsorships and endorsements.
  3. Online Presence: A strong online following can translate to higher revenue from streaming and content creation.
  4. Teaching Ability: Not all great players are great teachers. Those who can effectively teach can command higher coaching fees.

FAQs – How Much Do Pro Chess Players Make?

What is the average salary of a professional chess player?

The average salary of a professional chess player varies widely based on their ranking, tournament winnings, endorsements, and other income sources.

While top Grandmasters (GMs) can earn six-figure sums annually, lesser-known players might earn more modest amounts, often supplemented by coaching, writing, or other chess-related activities.

How do chess players earn money from tournaments?

Chess players primarily earn money from tournaments through prize money.

The amount varies depending on the prestige and size of the tournament.

For instance, the World Chess Championship offers a prize fund of over a million dollars, while local tournaments might offer prizes in the hundreds or thousands.

Do endorsements and sponsorships play a significant role in a chess player’s income?

Top players, especially those with a strong public presence, can secure endorsements and sponsorships from chess-related companies, as well as non-chess brands.

These deals can be lucrative, sometimes even surpassing tournament earnings.

How does online streaming and content creation impact a chess player’s earnings?

With the rise of platforms like Twitch and YouTube, many chess players have ventured into content creation.

Successful chess streamers and YouTubers can earn substantial amounts through ad revenue, donations, subscriptions, and sponsorships.

For some, this has become a primary source of income.

Do chess coaches make a significant income?

Many professional and semi-professional chess players offer coaching services.

Rates can vary from $20 to $500 per hour, depending on the coach’s expertise and reputation.

For some players, especially those not in the top rankings, coaching can be a primary source of income.

Are there differences in earnings between male and female chess players?

Historically, there has been a disparity in prize money between male and female tournaments.

However, efforts are being made to bridge this gap.

Female players also earn from endorsements, coaching, and content creation, similar to their male counterparts.

How has the popularity of online chess platforms like and Lichess affected player earnings?

Online chess platforms have democratized access to the game, allowing players from all over the world to participate in tournaments and earn money.

They’ve also provided additional avenues for income through premium memberships, lessons, and other services.

Players can also stream from these platforms.

Do chess players earn royalties from books and DVDs?

Yes, many established chess players author books or produce instructional DVDs on various aspects of the game.

They earn royalties from the sales of these products, and for some, it’s a significant source of income.

While books are still somewhat popular, DVDs are now largely an outdated technology with everything going to streaming.

Are there other unconventional ways chess players earn money?

Apart from the traditional methods, chess players can earn money through public speaking engagements, appearances, simuls (playing multiple opponents at once), and even by playing exhibition matches.

How can an aspiring chess player maximize their earning potential?

Diversifying income sources is key.

While focusing on improving one’s game and ranking is critical, exploring other avenues like coaching, content creation, writing, and seeking endorsements can significantly boost earnings.


The world of professional chess offers diverse earning opportunities.

From traditional tournament winnings and coaching to modern online streaming and content creation, there’s potential for players at all levels to earn a living.

While the elite players undoubtedly earn the most, with dedication, strategy, and a bit of entrepreneurial spirit, many can carve out a comfortable niche in the chess world.

As the game continues to evolve, it will be interesting to see how these earning avenues develop in the future.

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