Ruy Lopez Opening - 1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. Bb5 a6 4. Ba4 Nf6 5. O-O Be7 6. Re1 b5 7. Bb3 d6 8. c3 O-O 9. h3 Bb7 10. d4 Re8 11. Nbd2 Bf8 12. a4 h6 13. Bc2 exd4 14. cxd4 Nb4 15. Bb1 c5 16. d5 Nd7 17. Ra3 f5 18. Rae3 Nf6 19. Nh2 Kh8 20. b3 bxa4 21. bxa4 c4 22. Bb2 fxe4 23. Nxe4 Nfxd5 24. Rg3 Re6 25. Ng4 Qe8

How to Calculate in Chess (Guide)

To succeed in chess, players must be able to accurately calculate the consequences of their moves and anticipate their opponent’s responses.

Calculating in chess involves analyzing the position, evaluating potential moves, and predicting the outcome of each variation.

Calculation in chess is the skill of mentally analyzing potential sequences of moves and their outcomes from a given position.

To calculate effectively in chess, players visualize multiple move variations, anticipate their opponent’s responses, and evaluate the resulting positions to choose the best course of action.

Below we look more at the key principles and techniques for effective calculation in chess.

1. Understanding the Importance of Calculation

Calculation is the backbone of chess.

It allows players to make informed decisions based on the analysis of possible moves and their consequences.

By calculating accurately, players can identify the best moves, avoid blunders, and exploit tactical opportunities.

Calculation is crucial in both the opening, middlegame, and endgame stages of a chess game.

2. Breaking Down the Calculation Process

The calculation process in chess can be broken down into several steps:

  • Identify the critical moves: Determine the most important moves in the position that require careful calculation.
  • Analyze variations: Consider different move sequences and evaluate their consequences.
  • Evaluate positions: Assess the resulting positions after each variation to determine their desirability.
  • Anticipate opponent’s responses: Predict how your opponent is likely to respond to your moves and calculate their potential counterplay.
  • Calculate deeply: Continue calculating until you reach a clear conclusion or a position where further calculation is unnecessary.

3. Developing Calculation Skills (How to Improve Your Calculation Skills)

In chess, the ability to calculate accurately and deeply is crucial.

It allows players to foresee the consequences of their moves, anticipate their opponent’s plans, and find the best moves in complex positions.

Here are some tips to enhance your calculation abilities:

Practice tactical puzzles

Solve tactical puzzles regularly to sharpen your calculation and pattern recognition skills.

These puzzles often present specific problems or motifs that require precise calculation to solve.

Over time, you’ll start recognizing these patterns in your games, allowing you to calculate more efficiently.

Study annotated games

Analyze games played by strong players and try to understand their thought process and calculation techniques.

By studying their annotations and comments, you can gain insights into how they approach complex positions and how they evaluate different move candidates.

Play slow time control games

In slower games, you have more time to calculate deeply and consider various possibilities.

This allows you to practice your calculation skills in a more relaxed environment, without the pressure of a ticking clock.

Review your games

After each game, analyze critical positions and evaluate your calculation accuracy.

Look at what you missed.

This retrospective analysis helps you identify recurring mistakes in your calculation process and areas where you can improve.

Play against the computer with takebacks

Play against engines that are stronger than you (but not too strong) using takebacks.

An underused tactic, but this can definitely work because you get the instant feedback.

When you realize you made an error, take the moves back as far as you need to and understand what you did wrong and find a better move.

This trial-and-error approach allows you to learn from your mistakes in real-time and improve your calculation accuracy.

Work on visualization

Train your ability to visualize the chessboard and calculate moves mentally without the physical board.

Visualization exercises, such as trying to play a game in your head or recalling a specific position’s piece placement, can significantly enhance your ability to calculate multiple moves ahead.

By incorporating these practices into your chess routine, you can steadily improve your calculation skills and become a more formidable player.

4. Using Calculation Techniques

There are several calculation techniques that can aid in the calculation process:

  • Candidate moves: Identify the most promising moves in a position and calculate their consequences first.
  • Calculation tree: Visualize a tree-like structure to organize your calculations and explore different move sequences.
  • Calculation by elimination: Eliminate moves that are clearly bad or unpromising, allowing you to focus on the most relevant variations.
  • Calculation by analogy: Apply patterns and ideas from similar positions you have encountered before to guide your calculations.
  • Calculation checkpoints: Pause at critical moments to reevaluate the position, check your calculations, and consider alternative moves.

5. Balancing Calculation and Intuition

While calculation is crucial in chess, it is important to strike a balance between calculation and intuition.

Intuition is developed through experience and pattern recognition, allowing players to make quick decisions based on their understanding of the position.

Over-reliance on calculation can lead to time pressure and missed opportunities.

Therefore, it is essential to trust your intuition when the position allows for it.

6. Deepening Your Knowledge of Opening and Expanding Your Opening Repertoire

The opening phase of a chess game sets the tone for the middlegame and can often dictate the nature of the ensuing battle.

By expanding and deepening your opening repertoire, you can catch your opponents off guard and gain a favorable position right from the start.

Here’s how to effectively enhance your opening knowledge:

Study Classic Opening Systems

Begin with the foundational openings that have stood the test of time, such as the Ruy Lopez, Sicilian Defense, or various defenses within the Queen’s Gambit.

Study all the variations you can, mastering one before moving on to the next.

Understanding the key ideas and plans behind these systems will provide a solid foundation upon which you can build.

Explore Offbeat and Sidelines

While mainline openings are essential, exploring lesser-known sidelines can surprise your opponent and take them out of their comfort zone.

These offbeat lines can be particularly effective in rapid and blitz games.

Use Opening Databases and Software

Modern technology offers vast databases of opening moves played by grandmasters and other strong players.

Chess engines can help you study the lines.

Practice with Purpose

When trying out a new opening, play it consistently in your games to get a feel for its intricacies.

Online platforms allow you to play thematic games where both players agree to start with a specific opening position.

Annotate and Review

After playing games with your chosen openings, annotate your moves, especially in the opening phase.

This will help you remember key ideas, identify mistakes, and refine your understanding over time.

Learn the Ideas, Not Just the Moves

While memorization plays a role in opening preparation, understanding the core ideas, plans, and strategies behind each opening is far more valuable.

This knowledge will guide you even when you or your opponent deviates from known theory.

Engage with Opening Courses and Videos

Many grandmasters and experienced coaches have produced courses and video series on specific openings.

Engaging with these resources can provide deep insights and expose you to high-level thinking about the opening.

By dedicating time to expand and refine your opening repertoire, you can confidently navigate the early game, often gaining a significant advantage over less-prepared opponents.

And the bigger your opening edge, the more opportunities it opens up for you.

How Do Grandmasters Calculate?

Grandmasters calculate in chess with a combination of deep analysis, intuition, and pattern recognition, honed through years of experience and study.

Here’s a breakdown of how they approach calculation:

Pattern Recognition

Grandmasters have seen thousands of positions and motifs, allowing them to instantly recognize common patterns, threats, and tactics.

This means they often “know” the right move in many positions without needing to calculate deeply.

Selective Calculation

Instead of calculating every possible move, grandmasters focus on the most promising ones.

They quickly eliminate moves that are obviously bad or lead to unfavorable positions.


Grandmasters often group several moves together as a single unit or “chunk” in their minds, allowing them to process information more efficiently.


Through their vast experience, grandmasters develop a strong sense of which moves are likely to be good in a given position.

This intuition guides their calculation, helping them focus on the most promising lines.

Depth and Breadth

While grandmasters can calculate many moves ahead, they also understand the importance of considering multiple move sequences (breadth) rather than just diving deep into one line.

Endgame Knowledge

In endgame positions, grandmasters often rely on theoretical knowledge, knowing specific techniques or even exact sequences to achieve a win or draw.


After calculating a sequence of moves, grandmasters evaluate the resulting position, considering factors like material balance, king safety, pawn structure, and piece activity.

Continuous Learning

Even at the top level, grandmasters continually study and analyze games, always refining their calculation skills and staying updated with new opening theories and endgame techniques.

Physical and Mental Fitness

Good calculation requires a sharp mind. Grandmasters maintain their physical health and mental well-being, understanding that a fit body supports a fit mind, especially in long games.

Example of a World Champion Calculating

To get a feel for how a grandmaster goes about calculating, you can watch Garry Kasparov go through the end of Game 20 of the 1990 World Chess Championship against Anatoly Karpov.

(This game is the header image of this article.)

The original video:

Kasparov’s Calculations – Mindboggling!!! (very instructive)

GothamChess recap:

Garry Kasparov’s INSANE Calculations (Explained!)

FAQs – How to Calculate in Chess

What is calculation in chess?

Calculation in chess refers to the mental process of analyzing a sequence of moves and their potential outcomes in a given position.

It involves visualizing multiple move variations, anticipating the opponent’s responses, and determining the resulting positions’ evaluation.

Mastery of calculation allows players to foresee the consequences of their moves, enabling them to make informed decisions during the game.

How can I improve my calculation skills in chess?

Improving your calculation skills is essential for becoming a stronger chess player.

Here are some tips to enhance your calculation abilities:

  • Practice tactical puzzles: Solve tactical puzzles regularly to sharpen your calculation and pattern recognition skills.
  • Study annotated games: Analyze games played by strong players and try to understand their thought process and calculation techniques.
  • Play slow time control games: In slower games, you have more time to calculate deeply and consider various possibilities.
  • Review your games: After each game, analyze critical positions and evaluate your calculation accuracy. Look at what you missed.
  • Play against the computer with takebacks: Play against engines that are stronger than you (but not too strong) using takebacks. When you realize you made an error, take the moves back as far as you need to and understand what you did wrong and find a better move. Trial and error approach.
  • Work on visualization: Train your ability to visualize the chessboard and calculate moves mentally without the physical board.

How do strong players calculate so quickly?

Strong players have developed their calculation abilities through experience and practice.

They can quickly recognize patterns and evaluate moves based on their intuition and calculation skills.

What should I do if I can’t calculate deeply?

If you struggle to calculate deeply, focus on improving your visualization skills and practicing tactical puzzles.

Gradually, you will be able to calculate more accurately and further into variations.

How do I know which moves to calculate?

Identify the critical moves in the position that have the potential to significantly change the evaluation.

These moves are usually forcing moves, checks, captures, or threats.

Is it better to calculate many moves ahead or deeply into fewer variations?

It is generally more effective to calculate deeply into fewer variations rather than superficially calculating many moves ahead.

Deep calculation allows for a more accurate evaluation of the resulting positions.

How can I avoid blunders during calculation?

To avoid blunders, double-check your calculations, consider alternative moves, and pause at critical moments to reevaluate the position.

Additionally, analyzing your games and learning from your mistakes can help improve your calculation accuracy.

Can calculation skills be improved with age?

Yes, calculation skills can be improved at any age through practice and study.

While younger players may have an advantage in terms of faster pattern recognition, older players can compensate with experience and strategic understanding.

How do grandmasters calculate so accurately?

Grandmasters have developed their calculation skills through years of practice and study.

They have a deep understanding of chess principles, patterns, and tactics, allowing them to calculate accurately and quickly.

Is calculation more important than intuition in chess?

Calculation and intuition are both important in chess.

While calculation helps in making accurate decisions, intuition allows players to rely on their experience and pattern recognition to make quick and effective moves.

Can I become a strong chess player without strong calculation skills?

Strong calculation skills are essential for becoming a strong chess player.

While some players may compensate with exceptional intuition, especially in bullet and blitz formats, calculation is a fundamental skill that significantly contributes to success in chess.

While bullet may be a pure intuition type of format, calculating short lines (i.e., 2-4 moves each) is still critical in blitz.

Summary – How to Calculate in Chess

Calculation is a fundamental skill in chess that enables players to make informed decisions and anticipate their opponent’s moves.

By following a systematic calculation process, practicing regularly, and utilizing effective techniques, players can improve their calculation abilities.

However, it is important to strike a balance between calculation and intuition to make optimal decisions in a game, especially when you’re playing in quicker time controls and don’t have time to make deeper calculations.

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