sodium attack 1.Na3

Sodium Attack: 1.Na3 (Variations, Move Order, Purpose & Strategy)

The game of chess is a timeless struggle, an intellectual battlefield that allows for an almost infinite number of tactical and strategic possibilities. Among these myriad strategies, some stand out due to their unique approach and specific outcome, one such being the Sodium Attack.

This chess opening, sometimes known as the Durkin Attack when followed by 2.Nc4, can be an unexpected move that can catch many players off guard.

Move Order of the Sodium Attack

The Sodium Attack, originating from the irregular opening, is initiated with the move 1.Na3.

sodium attack 1.Na3

This move is highly uncommon, as it develops the knight to a less central square and doesn’t control the center immediately, going against the basic principles of chess openings.

The sodium attack is characterized by its defiance of traditional norms, thus making it an intriguing opening for many players.

Strategy and Purpose of the Sodium Attack

The main objective of the Sodium Attack is to catch the opponent off guard.

It aims to break the symmetry early and to create a complex and unconventional position, which can confuse less experienced players.

The move 1.Na3 doesn’t reveal much about White’s plans, making it harder for Black to develop a clear strategy.

The strategy here is to induce the opponent into uncharted territory where they may make mistakes, providing an advantage to the player utilizing the Sodium Attack.

Magnus Carlsen Plays The SODIUM ATTACK

Variations of the Sodium Attack

Like any opening in chess, the Sodium Attack has several variations based on the opponent’s response.

After 1…e5, the most common response, White has a variety of options, including 2.e4 or 2.Nc4 (Durkin’s Attack), which intends to contest control of the center.

Other responses to 1…e5 might include 2.b3 or 2.d3. However, these variations are generally less common.

Let’s look at some other popular variations of the sodium attack.

Sodium Attack, Celadon Variation: 1…e5 2.d3 Bxa3 3.bxa3 d5 4.e3 c5 5.Rb1

The Celadon Variation of the Sodium Attack starts with the opponent pushing their pawn to e5.

Here, White plays 2.d3 to support an eventual e3 or e4 pawn push, and to allow the dark-square bishop to develop.

In the unusual case where Black decides to develop the bishop to a3 (2…Bxa3), White recaptures with the b-pawn (3.bxa3), doubling the a-pawns but also opening up the b-file for rook development.

Following this, Black aims to establish central control with 3…d5 and then develops a pawn to c5.

This is met with 4.e3 by White to prepare for bishop development and provide central control.

White’s 5.Rb1 leverages the open b-file, exerting pressure on the half-open file and preparing for future operations on the queenside.

The strategic purpose of this variation is to make the most out of the unconventional opening, by keeping the position flexible, gaining control of the center, and developing pieces to active squares.

Sodium Attack, Durkin Gambit: 1…e5 2.Nc4 Nc6 3. e4 f5

The Durkin Gambit is another interesting variation of the Sodium Attack.

After 1…e5, White moves the knight to c4 (2.Nc4), aiming to attack the e5 pawn and prepare for a d2-d3 push to challenge the center.

If Black develops their knight to c6 (2…Nc6), White can proceed with 3.e4 to control the center and prepare to develop the bishop.

However, if Black responds with 3…f5, challenging White’s e4 pawn, we see the crux of the Durkin Gambit.

Here, White can choose to either protect the pawn with d3 or even advance it with e5.

This opening is about tension and sharp play, where both sides attempt to seize the initiative.

The strategy here is to maintain a dynamic, high-tension position, where accurate calculation and tactical skills are essential.

Sodium Attack, Chenoboskion Variation: 1…g6 2.g4

In the Chenoboskion Variation, the Sodium Attack takes a very aggressive turn.

After Black’s response of 1…g6, aiming to fianchetto the bishop on g7, White immediately tries to disrupt Black’s plan by pushing the g-pawn to g4 (2.g4).

This move aims to control the f5 square and potentially launch a kingside pawn storm if Black decides to castle short.

The strategy in this variation for White is about gaining space on the kingside and exerting pressure early in the game.

It is a combative approach and can lead to sharp positions, where both sides need to be cautious about their king’s safety.

This variation, like the Sodium Attack itself, goes against conventional chess wisdom, aiming for an aggressive strategy and complex position right from the outset.

Evaluation of the Sodium Attack

After 1.Na3, it is typically evaluated at around -0.60 to -0.80 for white.

In our rankings of the 20 possible opening moves for white, we rated it #18.

History of the Sodium Attack

The Sodium Attack, despite its current modest popularity, has a relatively obscure history. Its name is derived from the move 1.Na3, which resembles the notation for Sodium on the periodic table (Na).

The name “Durkin’s Attack” comes from Robert T. Durkin, an American chess player who was known to use this opening.

While not regularly employed in professional or serious play, the Sodium Attack has found its niche among players who prefer less conventional methods of play.

Whether it’s good for beginners or intermediates

The Sodium Attack is a controversial choice for beginners.

On one hand, it provides an element of surprise and can lead to interesting, non-standard positions that can be educational.

On the other hand, it defies basic chess principles like center control and piece development, which beginners are typically encouraged to follow.

For intermediate players, it can be an intriguing choice to disrupt standard patterns and to explore unique tactical possibilities.

How often it’s played at the grandmaster level

At the grandmaster level, the Sodium Attack is seldom used.

Given that it flouts basic opening principles, grandmasters typically opt for more conventional openings which allow them to control the center and develop pieces efficiently.

However, it may be employed as a surprise weapon in situations where a player wants to avoid well-known theoretical lines and move the game into less charted territory.


The Sodium Attack, while unconventional and often criticized, holds a distinctive place in the world of chess.

It may not conform to traditional principles, but it is a testament to the rich diversity of strategies that chess has to offer.

It’s a reminder that in chess, just as in life, there’s room for innovation, unpredictability, and the occasional surprise.

Whether a beginner, an intermediate, or a grandmaster, every chess player can find something intriguing in the Sodium Attack, and it is this versatility that ensures its continued presence in the fascinating world of chess.

FAQs – Sodium Attack

1. What is a Sodium Attack in Chess?

The Sodium Attack, also known as the Sodium Opening or Sodium Game, is a rare and unorthodox chess opening characterized by the moves 1.Na3.

This opening is named after the chemical element Sodium, which has the atomic number 11, representing the position of the knight on the ‘a3’ square.

The Sodium Attack is not widely used in high-level chess because it is considered inferior to more traditional openings that control the center of the board more effectively.

2. What is the Purpose of the Sodium Attack?

The main purpose of the Sodium Attack is to take the opponent out of their preparation or comfort zone.

It seeks to deviate from common chess theory early in the game and encourages an unconventional style of play.

While the opening move of 1.Na3 does not directly control the center, it can be followed by moves such as b3 and Bb2 or c4, indirectly influencing the central squares.

3. Why is the Sodium Attack Considered a Poor Opening?

The Sodium Attack is generally regarded as a poor opening because the move 1.Na3 does not do much to control the center of the board, a key principle in the opening phase of a chess game.

Additionally, the knight on a3 is placed awkwardly and can become a target for an early …b5 by Black.

However, this doesn’t mean the game is automatically lost after 1.Na3; the player’s overall skill and subsequent strategy will heavily influence the outcome of the game.

4. How do I Respond to the Sodium Attack as Black?

Black has a number of viable responses to the Sodium Attack.

The most straightforward approach is to simply take control of the center with 1…d5 or 1…e5. Another option is to mirror White’s move with 1…Na6, though this is also an unconventional response.

5. Are There Famous Games Featuring the Sodium Attack?

The Sodium Attack is rarely seen in top-level chess, and it doesn’t feature in any famous games played by grandmasters.

However, it is occasionally seen in blitz and bullet games, where the aim is often to surprise the opponent or take them out of known opening theory.

6. What Are Some Key Strategies After the Initial Sodium Attack Opening?

After the initial Sodium Attack opening, players often opt for a double fianchetto setup, with moves such as b3 and g3, followed by Bb2 and Bg2.

This can potentially result in strong control of the long diagonals, even though control of the center may still be somewhat lacking. It’s also important to find a good square for the knight on a3, as it can be targeted by black’s pawns.

7. Can the Sodium Attack Transition into Other More Traditional Openings?

Because of the nature of the Sodium Attack, it’s difficult for it to transition into a more traditional opening.

However, with the right subsequent moves, the game could potentially transpose into lines of the English Opening, the Reti Opening, or a double fianchetto setup, which are more traditional but still fairly hypermodern opening systems.

8. Can I Successfully Use the Sodium Attack in My Games?

Success with the Sodium Attack, as with any chess opening, depends largely on your understanding of the opening, your ability to handle the middlegame positions that arise from it, and your overall skill as a chess player.

The Sodium Attack can be effective in some online rapid and blitz games, particularly against opponents who are unprepared for its unorthodox nature.

However, it’s important to understand that the Sodium Attack is not considered theoretically sound, and you may find yourself at a disadvantage against well-prepared opponents.


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