How Do Chess Engines Make Money? (Explained)

Chess engines and their developers can generate revenue through various avenues, often combining several methods to diversify income streams.

Here’s a breakdown of some of the ways through which chess engines might make money.

Licensing and Sales

Software Licensing

Chess engines may be sold or licensed to individuals, clubs, or organizations for use.

Some might offer different versions, such as free versions with limited capabilities and paid versions with additional features.

API Licensing

Developers might license the API of the chess engine to other software developers or platforms, enabling them to use the engine in their own applications, websites, or systems.

For example, the Torch and partnership is an example of a chess engine looking to fit into a broader platform.

It’s a supplementary service/feature of the platform that adds extra value and not the main attraction.

Integration into Video Games

Chess engines can be licensed to video game developers who wish to incorporate chess mini-games or challenges within larger games, providing an authentic chess-playing experience to gamers.

Online Platforms and Apps

Subscription Services

Developers may build platforms or apps around their chess engines and charge users a subscription fee for accessing premium features, like advanced analysis, coaching, or playing against the engine with varying difficulty levels.

In-app Purchases

Free apps or platforms might offer in-app purchases, enabling users to buy additional features, such as opening libraries, endgame tables, or personalized training plans.

Ad Revenue

Free versions of chess platforms or apps might generate revenue through display advertising or sponsored content within the platform.

Partnerships and Collaborations

Online Chess Platforms

Chess engines might collaborate with online chess platforms, providing their engine for analysis and play in exchange for licensing fees.

Physical Chess Boards

Developers might license their engines to manufacturers of electronic chess boards, allowing users to play against the engine on a physical board.

Educational Purposes

Chess Coaching and Training

The engine might be utilized to develop chess training and coaching programs, where users pay for access to courses, puzzles, or training scenarios generated by the engine.

Schools and Institutions

Licensing the engine to educational institutions for training and educational purposes, enabling students to learn and practice chess.

Special Events and Exhibitions


Developers might organize competitions where human players compete against the engine, potentially charging entry fees or generating revenue through sponsorships and advertising.


Participating in exhibitions and events, showcasing the engine’s capabilities to a wide audience, which might attract licensing opportunities or partnerships.

Consulting and Development

Custom Development

Offering services for customizing or developing specific features or versions of the chess engine for individual clients or companies.


Providing expertise and consulting services to other developers or organizations interested in implementing chess engines or similar technology in their operations.

Affiliate Marketing and Referrals

Affiliate Links

Developers can partner with chess equipment retailers or online chess course providers.

By embedding affiliate links within their platforms or apps, they can earn a commission for every sale made through those links.

Referral Programs

Chess engine platforms might introduce referral programs, encouraging users to invite friends or fellow chess enthusiasts.

In return, both the referrer and the referred might receive benefits such as free premium days, additional features, or discounts.


Branded Merchandise

Leveraging the brand of the chess engine, developers can sell merchandise like t-shirts, mugs, and posters. This not only generates revenue but also helps in promoting the chess engine brand.

Digital Goods

Selling digital goods such as custom chess piece designs, board themes, or unique sound packs can be another avenue for monetization, especially for online platforms or apps.

Crowdfunding and Donations

Support from the Community

Developers can set up crowdfunding campaigns or accept donations to fund the development of new features, improvements, or to keep a free version of the engine available to the public.

Platforms like Patreon or Kickstarter can be utilized for this purpose.

Workshops and Webinars

Educational Sessions

Hosting workshops, webinars, or online classes where users can learn more about chess strategies, the technology behind the engine, or even the basics of chess can be a source of revenue.

These sessions can be ticketed or offered as part of a subscription package.

How Does Stockfish Make Money?

Stockfish, one of the strongest chess engines in the world, is open-source software, which means it is free to use and modify.

It doesn’t generate revenue in the way that commercial software does because it’s not sold, and users are not charged for accessing or using it.

However, here are a few indirect ways in which the development and dissemination of Stockfish might be associated with financial aspects:


The Stockfish team accepts donations from users and supporters.

These donations help to cover costs related to the development, such as server costs for testing improvements, website hosting, and potentially hardware for running simulations and calculations.


Occasionally, open-source projects might receive sponsorships from companies or individuals who have a vested interest in the development of the software.

This could be in the form of financial support, provision of hardware, or other resources.


Some open-source projects sell merchandise like t-shirts, mugs, and stickers to raise funds.

I’m not aware of Stockfish doing this specifically, but it’s a common practice among open-source projects.

Commercial Partnerships

Developers or organizations might use Stockfish as a base to build their own commercial chess applications, and they might contribute financially to Stockfish’s development as a form of gratitude or to ensure its ongoing development and improvement.

Stockfish is used on various online chess platforms, and while it’s used freely, these platforms might support the project in various ways, which could potentially include financial support.


Stockfish has been used in various computer chess championships and might win prize money in competitions, which could be used to further support and develop the engine.

Consulting and Development Services

Developers involved in the project might offer consulting or development services to other entities, leveraging their expertise developed while working on Stockfish.

Revenue Not the Primary Driver

Note that the primary motivation behind Stockfish and many other open-source projects is not to generate revenue.

Instead, it’s about community, sharing knowledge, and collective development.

The developers, contributors, and users are typically driven by a passion for the project and the subject matter, and they contribute to it because they find it rewarding and believe in the value of creating open, shared resources and tools.

FAQs – How Chess Engines Make Money

What are chess engines?

Chess engines are computer programs that analyze chess positions and make decisions on the best moves.

They use advanced algorithms and vast databases of previous games to evaluate board positions and predict optimal moves.

These engines can play at a very high level, often surpassing the abilities of human grandmasters.

How do chess engines generate revenue?

Chess engines generate revenue through various avenues, including software licensing, online platforms, apps, partnerships, educational collaborations, special events, consulting, and more.

Developers often combine multiple methods to diversify their income streams.

Can chess engines be monetized through software licensing?

Yes, chess engines can be monetized through software licensing.

Developers can sell or license their engines to individuals, clubs, or organizations for use.

They might offer different versions, such as free versions with limited capabilities and paid versions with additional features.

How do online platforms and apps contribute to a chess engine’s income?

Online platforms and apps built around chess engines can be monetized in several ways:

  • Subscription Services: Developers may charge users a subscription fee for accessing premium features, such as advanced analysis or playing against the engine with varying difficulty levels.
  • In-app Purchases: Users can buy additional features within the app, such as opening libraries or personalized training plans.
  • Ad Revenue: Free versions of chess platforms or apps might generate revenue through display advertising or sponsored content.

Are there subscription services associated with chess engines?

Yes, many chess engine platforms offer subscription services.

Users might pay a monthly or yearly fee to access advanced features, such as in-depth game analysis, coaching sessions, or the ability to play against the engine at higher difficulty levels.

How do in-app purchases work for chess apps?

In-app purchases in chess apps allow users to buy additional features or content within the app.

This could include opening libraries, endgame tables, personalized training plans, or even cosmetic items like custom chess piece designs and board themes.

Users typically make these purchases directly within the app, and the features become available immediately after purchase.

Can chess engines earn money through advertising?

Yes, chess engines, especially those available on free platforms or apps, can earn money through advertising.

Developers can display ads within the platform, either as banner ads, video ads, or sponsored content.

The revenue is typically based on the number of ad impressions or clicks.

What are the partnership opportunities available for chess engine developers?

Chess engine developers have several partnership opportunities:

  • Collaborating with online chess platforms to provide their engine for analysis and play.
  • Licensing their engines to manufacturers of electronic chess boards.
  • Partnering with chess equipment retailers or online course providers for affiliate marketing.

How do chess engines collaborate with educational institutions?

Chess engines can be licensed to educational institutions for training and educational purposes.

Schools, colleges, and chess academies might use the engine to help students learn and practice chess, develop strategies, and analyze games.

The engine can also be integrated into chess training and coaching programs.

Can chess engines be used for competitions and exhibitions?

Yes, chess engines can be used for competitions where human players compete against the engine.

Developers might organize such competitions, charging entry fees or generating revenue through sponsorships and advertising.

Additionally, engines can be showcased in exhibitions and events to demonstrate their capabilities to a wider audience.

How do custom development and consulting services benefit chess engine developers?

Custom development allows developers to tailor their chess engine to specific needs of individual clients or companies, creating a unique product and generating additional revenue.

Consulting services involve providing expertise to other developers or organizations interested in implementing chess engines or similar technology, allowing the developers to leverage their knowledge and experience for financial gain.

Are there affiliate marketing opportunities for chess engine platforms?

Yes, chess engine platforms can engage in affiliate marketing by partnering with chess equipment retailers, online chess course providers, or other related businesses.

By embedding affiliate links within their platforms or apps, developers can earn a commission for every sale made through those links.

How do merchandise sales contribute to the revenue of chess engines?

Merchandising, such as selling branded t-shirts, mugs, posters, or digital goods like custom chess piece designs, can generate additional revenue for chess engine developers.

It also serves as a promotional tool, helping to increase brand awareness and loyalty among users.

Can chess engines be crowdfunded or supported through donations?

Yes, chess engine developers can set up crowdfunding campaigns on platforms like Kickstarter or Patreon to fund the development of new features or improvements.

They can also accept donations directly from users or supporters who wish to contribute to the engine’s development and maintenance.

How do workshops and webinars fit into the monetization strategy of chess engines?

Workshops and webinars offer an opportunity for developers to share their expertise, teach chess strategies, or go into the technology behind the engine.

These sessions can be ticketed, generating direct revenue. They can also serve as promotional events, attracting new users to the platform or app.


Chess engines, by virtue of their complexity and the value they offer to chess enthusiasts, educators, and online platforms, have numerous pathways for monetization.

Developers often utilize a combination of the methods mentioned above, ensuring a balanced and sustainable revenue model.

The exact monetization strategy might differ significantly between different engines and developers, depending on their unique capabilities, user base, and market position.

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