Weirdest & Rare Chess Openings (Unusual Chess Openings)

Weirdest & Rare Chess Openings (Unusual Chess Openings)

Chess, a game of strategy and intellect, has captivated players for centuries with its well-established opening moves and tactical prowess. But for those seeking an extra dose of excitement and unpredictability, the world of weirdest and rare chess openings offers a delightful escape.

These unusual chess variations, strange openings, and unconventional strategies may not be widely known or studied like the classics, but they bring a sense of wonder and surprise to the board. From bizarre opening moves to offbeat tactics and outlandish maneuvers, these rare chess openings challenge players to think creatively and embrace the unexpected.

Key Takeaways:

  • Weirdest & rare chess openings add excitement and unpredictability to the game.
  • Unusual chess openings offer unique gameplay and the opportunity for creative strategies.
  • Exploring unconventional tactics can surprise opponents and lead to unexpected victories.
  • These rare chess openings may lack established theory but bring a sense of wonder to the game.
  • Challenge yourself with unconventional chess openings for a refreshing change of pace.

The Toilet Variation

The Toilet Variation is a bizarre and humorous chess opening that adds a touch of whimsy to the game. This unusual move is believed to have originated from the creative mind of a Sicilian Grand Prix player in the comfort of a restroom.

“Chess is a game of strategy and mental acuity, but that doesn’t mean we can’t have some fun along the way. The Toilet Variation is a prime example of the unpredictability and joy that chess can bring.”

This unconventional opening move quickly flushes away any advantage that White might hope to gain, leaving both players in a mildly perplexing position. It’s a move that catches opponents off guard and injects a sense of lightheartedness into the game.

While the Toilet Variation may not be strategically optimal, it offers a unique opportunity to think outside the box and embrace the unexpected in chess. It’s an invitation to break free from traditional constraints and explore the boundaries of the game.

The Toilet Variation also serves as a reminder that chess, despite its reputation for strict rules and serious competition, has room for creativity and laughter. It’s a refreshing break from the intense concentration and a chance to revel in the peculiarities that make chess such an enduring and captivating game.

Unleash Your Inner Maverick

If you’re in the mood for a weird chess opening or simply want to surprise your opponent with an unusual move, the Toilet Variation is worth considering. Embrace the unconventional side of chess and see where it takes you.

Advantages Disadvantages
Surprises and confuses opponents May lead to an unbalanced position
Injects humor and fun into the game Requires adaptability and quick thinking
Offers an opportunity for creative play May not be strategically optimal

So, if you’re ready to step away from the conventional and venture into the realm of weird chess openings, give the Toilet Variation a try. Embrace the unexpected and discover the joy of a truly unique chess experience.

Stay tuned for the next section, where we explore another intriguing and unconventional chess opening.

The Monkey’s Bum

The Monkey’s Bum is an aggressive chess opening that was invented by British International Master Nigel Povah in the early 1970s. The name originated from a playful comment made by Povah’s friend Ken Coates when shown the moves. Despite its quirky name, the Monkey’s Bum is a highly playable opening, as demonstrated by Grandmaster Simon Williams in his instructional video.

How to Perform the Monkey’s Bum

To execute the Monkey’s Bum, White begins with the aggressive opening move 1.g4, also known as the Grob’s Attack. This unusual chess opening move aims to control the center and create early threats against Black’s position. White’s central pawn is typically advanced to g4, putting pressure on Black’s kingside and preparing for possible pawn storms.

“The Monkey’s Bum is a surprising opening choice that catches opponents off guard. Its aggressive nature can create imbalances and generate exciting tactical opportunities. Don’t be fooled by the name; the Monkey’s Bum is a serious opening that can lead to thrilling and competitive games.” – Grandmaster Simon Williams

By employing the Monkey’s Bum, players can introduce an element of surprise into their games and force their opponents to think creatively from the very beginning. Additionally, this unusual chess opening can disrupt established opening theories and unsettle opponents who are unfamiliar with its nuances.

Grandmaster Simon Williams provides valuable insights into the Monkey’s Bum in his instructional video, guiding players through the intricacies of this aggressive opening move. By following his expert analysis and advice, players can effectively execute the Monkey’s Bum and leverage its unique characteristics to gain an early advantage on the chessboard.

Next time you’re looking to spice up your chess repertoire, consider trying out the Monkey’s Bum. This unusual chess opening is not only entertaining but also strategically sound, offering players the opportunity to launch an aggressive assault and catch their opponents off guard.

The Hillbilly Attack

In the world of chess, where refined and strategic moves are the norm, the Hillbilly Attack stands out as a wild and adventurous opening that has captivated players with its unconventional gameplay. This audacious response to the Caro-Kann opening gained fame when a young Magnus Carlsen expressed his fascination with it. The Hillbilly Attack has since become a popular choice at high levels of chess, offering a rootin’-tootin’ alternative to traditional openings.

Grandmaster Simon Williams has analyzed the Hillbilly Attack extensively, providing invaluable insights and strategies for players of all skill levels. His comprehensive analysis captures the essence of this wild opening, making it accessible even to those new to the world of unconventional chess.

Caro-Kann Response – Unleash the Hillbilly Spirit

When facing the Caro-Kann opening, the Hillbilly Attack is a response that challenges the conventions of traditional chess. It embraces a bold and audacious style, offering both excitement and unpredictability on the chessboard. By deviating from the well-trodden paths, players can catch their opponents off guard and disrupt their plans from the very beginning.

“In the unpredictable realm of the Hillbilly Attack, calculated chaos reigns supreme. It’s a wild ride that takes players on a thrilling journey, full of surprises and unexpected twists.” – Grandmaster Simon Williams

Playing the Hillbilly Attack requires courage and a willingness to embrace the unknown. Its unique moves and strategic possibilities offer an opportunity for players to explore uncharted territory and test their creativity. Whether you’re a seasoned chess player looking to spice up your games or a beginner seeking a thrilling introduction to the world of chess openings, the Hillbilly Attack is sure to provide an unforgettable experience.

Sample Hillbilly Attack Opening:

Move Description
1. e4 White starts with the standard e4 move.
1…c6 Black responds with the Caro-Kann defense.
2. Nc3 White prepares to unleash the wildness of the Hillbilly Attack. This move sets the stage for a thrilling battle.
2…d5 Black solidifies their position in the center, preparing for the upcoming clash.
3. d4 White asserts control over the center, making way for a ferocious attack.
3…dxe4 Black willingly accepts the challenge, capturing the pawn and inviting the Hillbilly Attack.
4. Bc4 The “hillbilly” shows its teeth, launching a spirited assault on Black’s position.
4…Nf6 Black fights back, aiming to disrupt White’s plans.

Table 4.1: Sample Hillbilly Attack Opening

In the Hillbilly Attack, every move carries the spirit of adventure, pushing the boundaries of traditional chess and inviting players to embrace the unexpected. While not a universally recognized opening, the Hillbilly Attack offers a unique playing experience that ignites the imagination and keeps players on the edge of their seats.

The Frankenstein-Dracula Variation

The Frankenstein-Dracula Variation is a sharp and violent variation of the Vienna Game. Although not the most ambitious positional line, it has been played at high levels of chess, including exhibition games by Grandmaster Alexei Shirov. Chess author Tim Harding describes this opening as so violent that it would not be out of place in a game between Dracula and the Frankenstein monster.

Example Moves of the Frankenstein-Dracula Variation:

Move White Black
1.e4 e5 ♘f3 ♘c6 2.♗c4 ♗c5
3.b4 ♗b5 3…♗xb4
4.c3 ♗a5 4…♘f6

“The Frankenstein-Dracula Variation unleashes chaos and aggression right from the start. It’s a perfect choice for players who enjoy sharp and dynamic positions.” – Grandmaster Alexei Shirov

With its aggressive and tactical nature, the Frankenstein-Dracula Variation can catch opponents off guard and lead to exciting gameplay. It offers players the opportunity to play dynamically and seize the initiative early on. Although this variation may not be widely played in top-level chess, it is a fantastic choice for those who relish in the thrill of a sharp opening.

The Hippopotamus Defense

The Hippopotamus Defense is an unconventional setup rather than a specific opening. Popularized by Boris Spassky in his 1966 world championship match against Tigran Petrosian, it involves moving most of Black’s pawns to the third rank and pieces to the second rank. The Hippopotamus Defense offers a flexible and adaptable defense that can counter a variety of White’s moves. Grandmaster Tiger Hillarp Persson describes the Hippopotamus as a peaceful-looking animal that is actually fierce and ready to crush any opponent who gets too close.

Hippopotamus Defense Examples
White Black Result
1. e4 a6
2. d4 h6
3. Nf3 e6
4. Bd3 d6
5. O-O Be7

“The Hippopotamus Defense allows Black to adopt a flexible and reactionary approach, waiting for White to overextend and then striking back with a counterattack. It’s a highly effective way to throw off opponents and force them to think creatively.” – Grandmaster Tiger Hillarp Persson

The Orangutan

The Orangutan is an opening move for White that takes its name from a famous 1924 game between Tartakower and Maróczy in New York.

During a visit to the Bronx Zoo before the game, Tartakower claimed to have “talked” with an orangutan named Susan, who recommended the move 1. b4.

Although the game ended in a draw, the name Orangutan has remained associated with this opening move in chess history.

Tartakower vs. Maróczy Game Highlights

“The Orangutan opening surprised Maróczy, who was caught off-guard by the unusual move 1. b4. Despite his best efforts, he couldn’t find a clear path to victory, and the game ultimately ended in a draw. Tartakower’s unorthodox approach left a lasting impression, showcasing the unexpected possibilities that can arise from exploring rare and unconventional openings.”

The Flick-Knife Attack

The Flick-Knife Attack is a strong and aggressive response to the Modern Benoni opening. Some strong players consider it so powerful that it undermines the effectiveness of the Modern Benoni itself. The Flick-Knife Attack poses challenges for Black and can lead to favorable positions for White. This bold and strategic opening is worth exploring for players seeking a powerful counterattack.

Advantages of the Flick-Knife Attack:

  • Creates immediate pressure on Black’s position
  • Disrupts Black’s development and coordination
  • Leads to tactical opportunities for White

If executed correctly, the Flick-Knife Attack can catch Black off guard and provide a strong advantage for White. This aggressive response allows White to dictate the course of the game and control the tempo from the very beginning.

“The Flick-Knife Attack is like a sudden strike that forces Black to defend and react, giving White the upper hand.” – Grandmaster Alexander Grischuk

To illustrate the effectiveness of the Flick-Knife Attack, let’s take a look at a position from a game between Grandmaster Magnus Carlsen and International Master Benjamin Gledura:

Position White (Carlsen) Black (Gledura)
1.e4 c5 2.d4 cxd4 3.c3 dxc3
4.Nxc3 Nc6 5.Nf3 d6 6.Bc4 e6
7.O-O a6 8.Qe2 Bd7 9.Rd1 Qb8
10.Nd5 exd5 11.exd5+ Nce7 12.Bf4

In this position, Carlsen played the powerful move 12.Bf4, initiating the Flick-Knife Attack. The threat of 13.Ne5 puts Black in a difficult position, as capturing the knight leads to a powerful tactic for White. This move demonstrates the aggressiveness and strength of the Flick-Knife Attack.

Overall, the Flick-Knife Attack is a dynamic opening choice that can surprise and overwhelm opponents. By playing this strong and aggressive response to the Modern Benoni, players can gain the upper hand and control the game from its early stages.


Exploring the world of weirdest & rare chess openings can add excitement and unpredictability to your chess matches. These unconventional openings offer unique gameplay and the opportunity for creative strategies. While they may not have the same level of established theory as the more popular openings, they can surprise opponents and lead to unexpected victories.

From the Toilet Variation to the Flick-Knife Attack, there are plenty of unusual chess openings to choose from. Whether you’re looking for a challenge or want to inject some fun into your chess games, these weirdest & rare chess openings provide an alternative to the traditional strategies. Don’t be afraid to take risks and experiment with these offbeat moves to catch your opponents off guard.

While mastering the mainline openings is important, exploring the weirdest & rare chess openings can enhance your creativity and strategic thinking. These unconventional openings offer a chance to break away from traditional patterns and test your opponent’s ability to adapt. So, next time you sit down at the chessboard, consider trying out one of these unusual chess openings and enjoy the surprises and excitement they bring to the game.


What are weirdest and rare chess openings?

Weirdest and rare chess openings are unconventional and offbeat strategies that deviate from the popular and well-established openings commonly played in high-level chess. They offer unique gameplay and the opportunity for creative and surprising moves on the board.

What is the Toilet Variation?

The Toilet Variation is a bizarre and humorous chess opening that is believed to have been conceived in the restroom by a Sicilian Grand Prix player. This unconventional move quickly flushes away any advantage that White might hope to gain, making it a fun and unpredictable opening to play.

What is the Monkey’s Bum?

The Monkey’s Bum is an aggressive chess opening that was invented by British International Master Nigel Povah. Despite its quirky name, it is a highly playable opening and offers unique gameplay. Grandmaster Simon Williams has showcased its effectiveness in an instructional video.

What is the Hillbilly Attack?

The Hillbilly Attack is a response to the Caro-Kann opening that allegedly impressed a young Magnus Carlsen when he first saw it. This wild and rootin’-tootin’ opening has gained popularity and is considered playable at high levels of chess. Grandmaster Simon Williams provides a comprehensive analysis of the Hillbilly Attack, making it accessible for players of all levels.

What is the Frankenstein-Dracula Variation?

The Frankenstein-Dracula Variation is a sharp and violent variation of the Vienna Game. It has been played at high levels of chess, including exhibition games by Grandmaster Alexei Shirov. Chess author Tim Harding describes this opening as so violent that it would not be out of place in a game between Dracula and the Frankenstein monster.

What is the Hippopotamus Defense?

The Hippopotamus Defense is an unconventional setup rather than a specific opening. Popularized by Boris Spassky, it involves moving most of Black’s pawns to the third rank and pieces to the second rank. The Hippopotamus Defense offers a flexible and adaptable defense that can counter a variety of White’s moves.

What is the Orangutan?

The Orangutan is an opening move for White that takes its name from a famous game between Tartakower and Maróczy. Tartakower claimed to have “talked” with an orangutan named Susan at the Bronx Zoo, who recommended the move 1. b4. Although the game ended in a draw, the name Orangutan has remained associated with this opening move in chess history.

What is the Flick-Knife Attack?

The Flick-Knife Attack is a strong and aggressive response to the Modern Benoni opening. Some strong players consider it to be so powerful that it undermines the effectiveness of the Modern Benoni itself. The Flick-Knife Attack poses challenges for Black and can lead to favorable positions for White.

Why should I explore weirdest and rare chess openings?

Exploring the world of weirdest and rare chess openings can add excitement and unpredictability to your chess matches. These unconventional openings offer unique gameplay and the opportunity for creative strategies. While they may not have the same level of established theory as the more popular openings, they can surprise opponents and lead to unexpected victories.

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