Both the Ruy Lopez and the Italian Game begin with 1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nc6, setting the stage for a central struggle.
The primary distinction is White’s third move, where in the Ruy Lopez, the bishop targets the knight on c6 with 3. Bb5, while in the Italian Game, it eyes the f7-square with 3. Bc4.
Strategically, the Ruy Lopez often emphasizes pawn structure and positional play, while the Italian Game can lean towards immediate threats and tactics.
Despite these differences, both openings prioritize central control and rapid development, offering players a blend of strategic depth and dynamic possibilities.
Ruy Lopez
Opening Moves: 1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. Bb5

The Ruy Lopez is one of the oldest and most classic of all openings.
By attacking the knight on c6 with 3. Bb5, White aims to disrupt Black’s pawn structure in the center of the board.
This bishop move also prepares for d2-d4, a central pawn break that White may play in the future.
Strategic Concepts:
- Pawn Structure: The potential exchange of the bishop for the knight can leave Black with doubled pawns on the c-file.
- Center Control: White often prepares to strike in the center with d2-d4, contesting Black’s central e5 pawn.
- Piece Activity: The opening leads to various pawn structures, giving both sides chances for active piece play.
Italian Game
Opening Moves: 1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. Bc4

Named for its popularity among Italian players in the 16th century, the Italian Game sees White immediately targeting the f7-square, the weakest point in Black’s position.
The move 3. Bc4 is more direct in nature than its Ruy Lopez counterpart.
Strategic Concepts:
- King’s Safety: With the bishop on c4, White often aims for quick attacks against the f7-pawn, which is only defended by the Black king.
- Center and Development: Both sides will look to quickly develop their pieces. White might support the e4 pawn with d2-d3 and Black can challenge the center with …d7-d6.
- Flexibility: The Italian Game often leads to a wide range of pawn structures, giving both players numerous strategic options.
Key Differences
- Bishop Placement: The primary difference lies in the third move for White. In the Ruy Lopez, the bishop targets the knight on c6, while in the Italian Game, it targets the f7-square.
- Strategic Goals: While both openings aim for control of the center, the Ruy Lopez often has a more positional character, focusing on pawn structures. The Italian Game, on the other hand, can be more direct, with immediate threats and tactics.
- Pawn Play: In the Ruy Lopez, White often contemplates the d2-d4 break, aiming for control of the center. In the Italian Game, the pawn structure remains more flexible, with both sides making central pawn moves based on the situation.
Q&A – Ruy Lopez vs. Italian Game
What are the opening moves for the Ruy Lopez and the Italian Game?
The opening moves for the Ruy Lopez are 1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. Bb5.
For the Italian Game, the moves are 1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. Bc4.
Why is the f7-square targeted in the Italian Game?
The f7-square is a key vulnerability in the early stages of the game for Black.
At the beginning, it is only defended by the king.
By placing the bishop on c4 in the Italian Game, White directly eyes this weak point, aiming for potential tactics or pressure that can capitalize on this inherent weakness.
The f7-square is often called the “Achilles’ heel” of Black’s position, especially in e4 e5 openings.
How does the Ruy Lopez aim to disrupt Black’s pawn structure?
In the Ruy Lopez, by placing the bishop on b5, White threatens the knight on c6.
If Black is not cautious, White can capture this knight, leading to doubled c-pawns for Black after a pawn recapture.
This potential pawn structure disruption can offer White long-term advantages, as doubled pawns can become targets in the middlegame and endgame.
Which opening offers more direct attacking chances against the king?
Generally, the Italian Game offers more direct attacking chances against the king.
With the bishop on c4 and potential moves like Ng5, White can quickly mount pressure on Black’s f7-pawn and potentially launch a swift kingside attack.
However, it’s worth noting that both openings can lead to king attacks, depending on the subsequent moves and plans chosen by both players.
How do pawn structures typically evolve in both openings?
In the Ruy Lopez, the pawn structure can vary widely, but a common theme is the potential for Black to have doubled c-pawns if White chooses to exchange on c6.
Additionally, central pawn breaks with d2-d4 by White or …d7-d6 by Black are common.
In the Italian Game, the pawn structure remains more fluid.
White might play c3 to support a d2-d4 advance, or opt for a slower buildup with d3.
Black can also aim for pawn breaks with …d5 or play …d6 and …Be7 for a more solid setup.
What are the main plans for White in the Italian Game?
In the Italian Game, White’s plans often revolve around:
- Pressuring the f7-pawn, either directly or with maneuvers like Ng5.
- Playing d3 and c3 to support a later d4 pawn break, expanding in the center.
- Rapidly developing pieces, potentially using the f4 square for the knight or the pawn break f4 to challenge Black’s center.
- If the game becomes closed, initiating play on the wings, especially the kingside, to create weaknesses in Black’s position.
How do the strategic goals differ between the two openings?
In the Ruy Lopez, the strategic goals often lean towards exploiting pawn structure weaknesses (like doubled c-pawns), and achieving a solid, broad pawn center with moves like c3 and d4. The focus is often on long-term advantages.
In the Italian Game, while there are positional elements, the play can be more direct, with immediate threats, tactics, and kingside attacks being more prominent.
The game can be sharper and more tactical in nature compared to many Ruy Lopez lines.
Are there any transpositions between the Ruy Lopez and the Italian Game?
Direct transpositions from one opening to the other are rare since the third move already defines the opening.
However, certain pawn and piece setups from one can resemble positions from the other.
For instance, in the Italian Game, if White plays Bb5 at some point and Black has already played …a6, the position might resemble some Ruy Lopez structures, but such occurrences are more coincidental than true transpositions.
Which opening is more popular at the grandmaster level?
Both openings have been popular at different times in chess history.
Historically, the Ruy Lopez has been more prevalent at the grandmaster level due to its rich positional and strategic content.
However, in recent years, the Italian Game has seen a resurgence among top players, thanks to new ideas and plans that have been discovered, making it a frequently employed weapon at the highest level.
How can Black best respond to each of these openings?
Against the Ruy Lopez, popular responses include:
- The Berlin Defense with …Nf6.
- The Closed Ruy Lopez with …a6 followed by …Be7.
- The Open Ruy Lopez with …Nxe4.
- The Cozio Defense with …Nge7, among others.
Against the Italian Game, Black has several solid setups:
- The Two Knights Defense with …Nf6.
- The Giuoco Piano with …Bc5.
- The Hungarian Defense with …Be7.
- Playing …d6 followed by …Be7 for a quieter setup.
In both cases, it’s crucial for Black to be aware of White’s plans and threats, especially the potential pressure on the f7-square in the Italian Game.
Both the Ruy Lopez and the Italian Game have stood the test of time, offering players rich positions and dynamic play.
Choosing between them often comes down to individual style and the strategic elements a player wishes to emphasize.