How Many Super Grandmasters Are There? (2700+ FIDE Chess Rating)

How Many Super Grandmasters Are There? (2700+ FIDE Chess Rating)

Have you ever wondered how many super grandmasters there are in the world of chess? The answer lies in their FIDE chess rating. A super grandmaster is a player who has achieved a rating of 2700 or above according to FIDE, the international chess federation. These players represent the pinnacle of chess excellence and are recognized for their exceptional skills and achievements.

The number of super grandmasters fluctuates as players’ ratings change over time. As the chess community continues to evolve and players strive for excellence, new talents emerge and join the ranks of the super grandmasters. In this article, we will delve into the current list of top-ranked super grandmasters and explore their remarkable contributions to the game.

Key Takeaways:

  • Super grandmasters have a FIDE chess rating of 2700 or above.
  • The number of super grandmasters varies as ratings change.
  • They represent the pinnacle of chess excellence.
  • The list of top-ranked super grandmasters is dynamic and constantly evolving.
  • Super grandmasters inspire aspiring players and contribute to the advancement of chess theory and strategy.

The List of Top-Ranked Super Grandmasters

The list of top-ranked super grandmasters is dynamic and constantly changing. As of the most recent data, some of the top-ranked super grandmasters include Magnus Carlsen, Garry Kasparov, Fabiano Caruana, Levon Aronian, Wesley So, and Shakhriyar Mamedyarov. These players have achieved exceptional ratings and have made significant contributions to the world of chess.

Player Rating Country
Magnus Carlsen 2862 Norway
Garry Kasparov 2851 Russia
Fabiano Caruana 2820 United States
Levon Aronian 2781 Armenia
Wesley So 2770 United States
Shakhriyar Mamedyarov 2767 Azerbaijan

These top-ranked super grandmasters have achieved remarkable ratings and have a strong presence on the international chess scene. Their performances and achievements have not only inspired aspiring players but have also shaped the evolution of chess strategy and tactics.

Achievements of Super Grandmasters

Super grandmasters have achieved remarkable success in various chess tournaments and competitions. Through their exceptional skills and unwavering dedication to the game, they have earned prestigious titles and made their mark in the chess world.

World Chess Champions

Many super grandmasters have reached the pinnacle of chess by becoming World Chess Champions. This title is the highest achievement in the game and is awarded to the player who emerges victorious in the World Chess Championship. Players like Magnus Carlsen, Garry Kasparov, and Anatoly Karpov have held this esteemed title, showcasing their unrivaled talent and strategic genius.

International Tournament Victories

In addition to winning World Chess Championships, super grandmasters have also excelled in various international tournaments. These tournaments attract the best players from around the world and provide a platform for super grandmasters to showcase their skills and compete against top-notch opponents.

Players like Viswanathan Anand, Vladimir Kramnik, and Veselin Topalov have consistently performed at the highest level, clinching victories in prestigious tournaments such as the Tata Steel Chess Tournament, the Sinquefield Cup, and the Candidates Tournament.

Super Grandmasters Tournament Victories
Magnus Carlsen World Chess Championship (multiple), Tata Steel Chess Tournament (multiple)
Veselin Topalov FIDE World Chess Championship, Corus Chess Tournament, Grand Slam Chess Final
Viswanathan Anand World Chess Championship (multiple), Tata Steel Chess Tournament (multiple)

Grandmaster Titles

Super grandmasters have also earned the highly coveted title of Grandmaster. This title is granted by FIDE (International Chess Federation) and is the highest title a chess player can achieve. It is awarded to players who meet specific criteria, including achieving a high rating and fulfilling certain performance norms.

Players like Wesley So, Levon Aronian, and Maxime Vachier-Lagrave have not only achieved super grandmaster status but have also attained the prestigious Grandmaster title, further cementing their status as elite players in the chess community.

The Impact of Super Grandmasters in Chess

Super grandmasters have a significant impact on the chess community. Their exceptional skills and achievements inspire aspiring players and set a standard of excellence in the game. As players strive to attain the coveted super grandmaster title, they look up to these chess legends for guidance and inspiration.

One of the ways in which super grandmasters make their impact felt is through their games. Chess enthusiasts and professionals meticulously study and analyze the games of these top-rated players. The strategies, tactics, and maneuvers employed by super grandmasters provide valuable insights into the intricacies of chess. Through these analytical studies, the chess community gains a deeper understanding of the game, leading to advancements in chess theory and strategy.

“The games played by super grandmasters are like masterpieces on the chessboard. They showcase the power of strategy, foresight, and creativity. Analyzing these games is not only instructive but also immensely enjoyable.”

Super grandmasters also have a profound impact on the competitive aspect of chess. Their presence in tournaments raises the overall level of competition, pushing other players to constantly improve their skills. The intense battles between super grandmasters result in exciting and memorable matches, captivating both seasoned chess players and casual spectators.

Moreover, the achievements of super grandmasters elevate the reputation of the chess community as a whole. Their accomplishments in world chess championships, international tournaments, and prestigious titles bring global recognition to the game. As ambassadors of chess, super grandmasters amplify its appeal and attract more people to engage in the intellectually stimulating and strategic world of chess.

Inspiration is another crucial component of the impact of super grandmasters. Their journey from aspiring players to top-rated chess legends serves as a source of motivation for countless enthusiasts. The dedication, discipline, and perseverance demonstrated by super grandmasters inspire others to pursue their own chess goals and strive for greatness. Their stories encourage players to embrace the challenges, setbacks, and victories that come with the pursuit of chess mastery.

The impact of super grandmasters in the chess community is multifaceted. Through their games, influence on competition, elevated reputation, and inspirational journeys, they leave an indelible mark on the world of chess. Their contributions continue to shape the evolution of the game and inspire future generations of chess players.

The Rise of Super Grandmasters

Over the years, the chess world has witnessed a remarkable rise in the number of super grandmasters. This evolution is a testament to the relentless pursuit of excellence and the constant improvement in players’ skills. With advances in chess theory, innovative training methods, and the use of cutting-edge technology, players have pushed the boundaries of the game and achieved higher chess ratings.

Super grandmasters are not simply a product of natural talent, but also of extensive training and a deep knowledge of the game. They spend countless hours studying past games, analyzing different strategies, and anticipating their opponents’ moves. The constantly evolving chess community has created an environment that fosters growth and encourages players to push their limits.

One cannot overlook the impact of technological advancements on the rise of super grandmasters. The availability of powerful chess engines and online platforms has made it easier for players to practice, learn from others, and analyze their own games. These tools have become invaluable resources in the pursuit of chess mastery.

“Chess is a game that rewards perseverance, dedication, and the ability to adapt. The rise of super grandmasters is a testament to the incredible potential of human intellect and the limitless possibilities of the game.”

The increasing number of super grandmasters has also led to a greater exchange of ideas and techniques on a global scale. International chess tournaments provide opportunities for players from different countries to compete and learn from one another. This cross-pollination of chess knowledge has contributed to the growth of the game and the rise of super grandmasters from various corners of the world.

With every passing year, the bar is set higher as super grandmasters continue to achieve remarkable feats, break records, and redefine what is possible in the game of chess. Their dedication and passion inspire a new generation of players who aspire to reach the pinnacle of chess excellence.

Year Number of Super Grandmasters
2000 9
2010 17
2020 32

As shown in the table above, the steady rise in the number of super grandmasters highlights the continuous growth and development within the chess community. It is a testament to the unwavering passion and dedication of players worldwide.

Notable Super Grandmasters Before 2000

Before the year 2000, only six players achieved a rating of 2700 or above and earned the title of super grandmaster. These players, Garry Kasparov, Anatoly Karpov, Vladimir Kramnik, Viswanathan Anand, Veselin Topalov, and Vladimir Ivanchuk, made significant contributions to the game and set the bar for future generations of chess players.

Here is a table highlighting the notable achievements of these super grandmasters:

Player Achievements
Garry Kasparov World Chess Champion from 1985 to 2000
Anatoly Karpov World Chess Champion from 1975 to 1985
Vladimir Kramnik World Chess Champion from 2000 to 2007
Viswanathan Anand World Chess Champion from 2007 to 2013
Veselin Topalov World Chess Champion from 2005 to 2006
Vladimir Ivanchuk Winner of numerous international tournaments

These notable super grandmasters were not only exceptional players but also ambassadors of the game, inspiring generations of chess enthusiasts with their achievements and dedication.

Super Grandmasters in the 2000s

In the 2000s, the chess world witnessed a significant rise in the number of super grandmasters. During this decade, twenty-one players achieved a rating of 2700 or above, further solidifying their positions as elite players in the game.

This increase in the number of super grandmasters reflects the ongoing growth and evolution of chess during the 2000s. As players honed their skills and pushed the boundaries of the game, the competitive landscape became more intense than ever before.

With each passing year, the achievements of these super grandmasters continued to impress both the chess community and the broader audience. They dazzled the world with their exceptional strategic thinking, tactical prowess, and ability to consistently outperform their opponents.

Notable players who achieved super grandmaster status in the 2000s include:

  • Vladimir Kramnik
  • Veselin Topalov
  • Anand Viswanathan
  • Alexander Grischuk
  • Peter Leko

These players, among others, made significant contributions to the game, leaving an indelible mark on the history of chess in the 2000s. Their achievements, along with their unique playing styles, continue to inspire a new generation of chess enthusiasts.

“The 2000s marked a turning point in the world of chess, with an influx of incredibly talented and ambitious players. The increasing competitiveness among these super grandmasters fueled the evolution of chess strategy and gameplay.” – Grandmaster Garry Kasparov

Their games were analyzed and studied by aspiring players and chess enthusiasts, contributing to the evolution of chess theory and strategy. The 2000s showcased remarkable performances, memorable matches, and the relentless pursuit of excellence by these super grandmasters.

Player Nationality Peak Rating
Anand Viswanathan India 2817
Vladimir Kramnik Russia 2817
Veselin Topalov Bulgaria 2816
Peter Leko Hungary 2763
Alexander Grischuk Russia 2760

Super Grandmasters from Different Countries

Super grandmasters represent the pinnacle of chess expertise, and they come from all corners of the globe, reflecting the international representation and diversity within the chess community. These players have not only achieved top ratings but have also made significant contributions to the world of chess. Let’s take a closer look at some of the countries that have produced remarkable super grandmasters:


Norway, a country known for its scenic landscapes, has also emerged as a breeding ground for exceptional chess talent. One of the most notable super grandmasters from Norway is Magnus Carlsen, the current World Chess Champion. Carlsen’s strategic brilliance and tactical prowess have elevated him to the top ranks of the chess world.


Russia boasts a rich chess tradition and has produced some of the most legendary super grandmasters. Garry Kasparov, widely regarded as one of the greatest chess players of all time, hails from Russia. Kasparov’s aggressive style and profound understanding of the game have left an indelible mark on the chess community.


Armenia is a small country that has made a big impact in the world of chess. Levon Aronian, a renowned super grandmaster from Armenia, has consistently displayed exceptional skill and creativity in his games. Aronian’s contributions to chess have earned him widespread recognition and admiration.


China has emerged as a formidable force in the world of chess, producing several highly talented super grandmasters. Ding Liren, a prominent Chinese chess player, has achieved remarkable success, securing high ratings and notable tournament victories. Ding Liren’s dedication and relentless pursuit of excellence have established him as a top contender in the chess world.

Country Notable Super Grandmasters
Norway Magnus Carlsen
Russia Garry Kasparov
Armenia Levon Aronian
China Ding Liren

These super grandmasters from different countries demonstrate the global reach and impact of chess. Their exceptional skills and achievements continue to inspire chess enthusiasts and players around the world, transcending borders and cultures.

Countries with the Highest Number of Super Grandmasters

Several countries have a notable number of super grandmasters. Russia, with its rich chess tradition, has the highest number of super grandmasters, followed by China, Azerbaijan, and the United States. These countries have consistently produced top-rated players and have a strong presence in the chess world.

Here’s a breakdown of the countries with the highest number of super grandmasters:

Country Number of Super Grandmasters
Russia 25
China 11
Azerbaijan 8
United States 7

As seen in the table above, Russia takes the lead with 25 super grandmasters, a testament to its rich chess heritage. China, with 11 super grandmasters, has been making significant strides in recent years, showcasing their strong chess development programs. Azerbaijan and the United States also have a notable presence in the chess world, producing top-rated players.

Having a high number of super grandmasters demonstrates the strength and talent of the chess players from these countries. It also highlights the competitive nature of chess and the dedication of players from around the world.

The Future of Super Grandmasters

The future of super grandmasters in the chess world is immensely promising, with young players and rising stars showcasing exceptional talent and potential. As the game continues to evolve, we can anticipate exciting developments and the emergence of new super grandmasters who will leave their mark on the global chess stage.

Young players have been making significant strides in recent years, demonstrating a depth of understanding and creativity that challenges the established norms. They bring fresh perspectives and innovative strategies, pushing the boundaries of the game and forcing their more experienced counterparts to adapt.

“The talent and skill exhibited by these young players is nothing short of extraordinary. They possess a natural instinct for the game combined with a hunger for success that propels them to new heights.”

Grandmaster Elizabeth Paehtz

These rising stars are not afraid to take risks and experiment with unconventional approaches, keeping opponents on their toes while creating captivating chess battles that captivate audiences worldwide. Their fearlessness and ability to think outside the box challenge the status quo and contribute to the ever-evolving nature of the game.

The Role of Technology

Technology has played a significant role in shaping the future of super grandmasters. Access to powerful chess engines and online databases has provided young players with invaluable resources and analysis tools that accelerate their learning and growth. They can study the games of past masters, identify patterns, and fine-tune their strategies to gain an edge over their opponents.

This technological advancement also facilitates global connections and collaboration among young players, creating a vibrant ecosystem where ideas are shared, knowledge is exchanged, and chess culture thrives.

The Importance of Mentorship

Mentorship is another crucial factor in nurturing the future generation of super grandmasters. Experienced players and coaches provide guidance, support, and valuable insights that help young talents refine their skills and navigate the complexities of the chess world.

By capturing the wisdom of seasoned grandmasters and passing it on to the next generation, mentorship ensures a continuum of knowledge and expertise, contributing to the ongoing evolution of the game.

Embracing Diversity

The future of super grandmasters also lies in embracing diversity and inclusivity within the chess community. Encouraging players from different backgrounds and regions to participate and excel in the game fosters a richer and more vibrant chess culture.

The contributions of rising stars from various countries add unique perspectives and approaches to the game, enriching the global chess landscape and inspiring others to pursue their dreams.


Super Grandmasters are the crème de la crème of the chess world, a distinction awarded to players with a rating of 2700 or above. These exceptional individuals have achieved remarkable success in the game, leaving a lasting impact on the chess community.

Not only have Super Grandmasters inspired aspiring players with their awe-inspiring skills and strategic brilliance, but they have also contributed to the evolution and development of the game. Their achievements in prestigious tournaments and their ability to push the boundaries of chess theory have elevated the sport to new heights.

The number of Super Grandmasters continues to grow, reflecting the ever-increasing competitiveness and dedication within the chess community. As players around the world strive to reach the pinnacle of chess excellence, the game evolves, and new strategies emerge.

With each passing year, the chess community witnesses the rise of young talents and rising stars who are poised to become the next generation of Super Grandmasters. As the legacy of these extraordinary players continues to shape the future of chess, the game remains dynamic, captivating, and endlessly fascinating.


How many super grandmasters are there?

The number of super grandmasters varies and is constantly changing as players’ ratings fluctuate.

What is the definition of a super grandmaster?

According to FIDE, a super grandmaster is a player with a rating of 2700 or above.

Who are some of the top-ranked super grandmasters?

Some of the top-ranked super grandmasters include Magnus Carlsen, Garry Kasparov, Fabiano Caruana, Levon Aronian, Wesley So, and Shakhriyar Mamedyarov.

What achievements have super grandmasters made in chess?

Super grandmasters have won prestigious titles, such as World Chess Champion, and have excelled in international tournaments.

What impact do super grandmasters have on the chess community?

Super grandmasters inspire aspiring players, set a standard of excellence in the game, and contribute to the advancement of chess theory and strategy.

How has the number of super grandmasters changed over time?

The number of super grandmasters has increased over the years, reflecting the evolution of chess and the improvement in players’ skills.

Who were some notable super grandmasters before 2000?

Notable super grandmasters before 2000 include Garry Kasparov and Anatoly Karpov.

How many super grandmasters were there in the 2000s?

In the 2000s, twenty-one players achieved a rating of 2700 or above and earned the title of super grandmaster.

Which countries have produced notable super grandmasters?

Super grandmasters come from various countries around the world, including Norway, Russia, Armenia, and China.

Which countries have the highest number of super grandmasters?

Russia has the highest number of super grandmasters, followed by China, Azerbaijan, and the United States.

What does the future hold for super grandmasters?

The future of super grandmasters lies in the hands of young players and rising stars who are showing exceptional talent and potential.

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