Circle Chess Board

Circle Chess Board

Welcome to the world of Circle Chess Board – a game that adds a unique twist to the timeless tradition of chess. Imagine a circular chess set with a round chess board, where the familiar chess pieces take on a new dimension of strategy and tactics. This circular chess set offers a fresh and engaging experience for chess enthusiasts looking to challenge their skills and adaptability.

Circular chess, also known as round chess, is a variant of the game played on a circular board consisting of four rings, each with sixteen squares. The game has its origins in Persia and Arabia, dating back to the 10th century AD. Despite having a different board layout, circular chess follows the same rules as traditional chess, utilizing the standard set of chess pieces.

Playing circular chess requires players to think and strategize differently. The circular board introduces a new geometry that affects the placement and movement of the pieces, challenging players to adapt their strategies and tactics. Whether you’re a chess enthusiast looking for a fresh challenge or a beginner wanting to explore the depths of the game, Circle Chess Board offers a captivating and unique chess-playing experience.

Key Takeaways:

  • Circle Chess Board is a variant of chess played on a circular board with four rings and sixteen squares on each ring.
  • The game follows the same rules as traditional chess, using the standard set of chess pieces.
  • The circular board adds a unique twist, requiring players to adapt their strategies and tactics.
  • Circular chess has a long history, dating back to the 10th century AD in Persia and Arabia.
  • Playing circular chess challenges players to think differently and offers a fresh and engaging chess experience.

History of Circular Chess

Circular chess has a rich history that can be traced back to the 10th century AD. The game was played in Persia and Arabia, as documented in various historical sources, including manuscripts from the British Library. Scholars like Ibnal-Khatibis and Muhammad ibn Mahmud Amuli have provided valuable insights into the origins, rules, and gameplay of circular chess.

In these manuscripts and books, circular chess is often referred to as Persian chess or Arabian chess, highlighting its cultural significance in the regions where it was played. These historical texts offer a glimpse into the strategies and tactics employed by ancient players of circular chess.

The Influence of Persian and Arabian Chess

Persian and Arabian chess were both instrumental in the development of circular chess. Persian chess, also known as shatranj, was the precursor to modern chess and had a significant impact on the evolution of chess variants, including circular chess.

The circular nature of the chessboard in circular chess is believed to have been inspired by the circular battle formations used by Persian and Arabian armies. This unique board design presents players with a fresh challenge, requiring them to think strategically in a circular context.

“Circular chess is a testament to the creativity and ingenuity of ancient Persian and Arabian chess enthusiasts. They pushed the boundaries of the game, creating a variant that added a new layer of complexity to the traditional chess experience.”

By exploring the history of circular chess, we can gain a deeper appreciation for this captivating chess variant and its cultural significance in the Persian and Arabian lands.

Historical Sources Key Insights
British Library manuscripts Documentation of circular chess being played in Persia and Arabia
Works of Ibnal-Khatibis Descriptions of circular chess gameplay and strategy
Works of Muhammad ibn Mahmud Amuli Insights into the rules and tactics of circular chess

Historical Rules of Circular Chess

In the fascinating world of circular chess, understanding the historical rules is essential to fully appreciate the origins and evolution of this unique game. One of the most important sources of information on historical circular chess is the book ‘Treasury of the Sciences’ by Muhammad ibn Mahmud Amuli, which provides valuable insights into the gameplay and strategy.

‘Treasury of the Sciences’ describes an ancient version of circular chess known as shatranj al-muddawara. In this variant, the game is played on a circular board divided into four concentric rings, each containing sixteen spaces. The circular chess setup closely resembles that of traditional chess, with key pieces strategically placed on the board.

Here is a breakdown of the circular chess setup in shatranj al-muddawara:

Ring Pieces
Inner Ring King, Counselor
Next Ring Elephants
Third Ring Knights
Outermost Ring Rooks

The pawns in shatranj al-muddawara are positioned in front of the other pieces, just as in traditional chess. The objective of the game remains the same: to checkmate the opponent’s king and emerge as the victor.

Circular chess enthusiasts appreciate the historical rules of shatranj al-muddawara for their adherence to tradition and the precision in their gameplay. By familiarizing ourselves with these rules, we gain a deeper understanding and respect for the origins of this captivating game.

Embrace the historical roots of circular chess and dive into the strategic complexities of shatranj al-muddawara. Let the circular board unfold a new realm of excitement and challenge as you explore the rich history and rules of this ancient game.

Modern Circular Chess

Modern circular chess is a captivating variant that adds an exciting twist to the traditional game. Played on a circular board, it offers a unique playing experience, challenging players to think strategically in a different way. In modern circular chess, the board is obtained by cutting a traditional chessboard in half and bending the two halves to form a circle.

The circular board is divided into rings, with the innermost ring being the starting position for the king and queen. The rest of the pieces are positioned on opposite sides of the board, following a modified version of the orthodox chess setup. This positioning creates a dynamic and visually appealing game layout.

The moves of the pieces in modern circular chess follow the same rules as in traditional chess. However, there are some notable gameplay differences. For example, the castling maneuver is not available in circular chess.

This variant has gained popularity in recent years, with tournaments organized to promote the game and enthusiasts exploring the unique challenges it presents. It offers an excellent opportunity for both experienced chess players and newcomers to delve into a new dimension of the game.

“Modern circular chess provides a fresh and engaging playing experience for chess enthusiasts.”

To visualize the modern circular chess setup, here is an image of a circular chessboard:

Circular Chess Rules:

1. The board is divided into rings, with the innermost ring being the starting position for the king and queen.

2. The rest of the pieces are positioned on opposite sides of the board, following a modified version of the orthodox chess setup.

3. The moves of the pieces are the same as in traditional chess, except for the absence of castling.

4. The objective of the game is to checkmate the opponent’s king, just like in traditional chess.

Modern circular chess offers a refreshing twist to the game, promoting strategic thinking and adaptability. Whether you are a seasoned chess player looking for a new challenge or a beginner eager to explore the world of chess, modern circular chess is definitely worth a try.

Strategy and Tactics in Circular Chess

Playing circular chess requires a unique approach to strategy and tactics due to the circular board’s distinct geometry. The placement and movement of pieces are influenced by the circular nature of the board, presenting players with new challenges and opportunities.

Unlike traditional chess, circular chess has less developed opening theory. This means players must rely on their own creativity and intuition when planning their initial moves. With no well-established opening strategies, circular chess encourages players to think outside the box and forge their own path.

In addition to the different openings, circular chess also features unique endgame scenarios. The “basic mates” differ from those found in traditional chess, requiring players to learn and adapt to these new patterns. It’s crucial for strong players to consider each move carefully and anticipate their opponent’s strategies in order to achieve victory.

Adapting to the circular board and mastering strategy and tactics in circular chess can be a thrilling and rewarding journey. The continuous circular movement fosters new ways of thinking, pushing players to explore innovative approaches and test their strategic acumen. Whether it’s finding the best openings to gain an early advantage or executing calculated moves in the endgame, circular chess offers a fresh and exciting experience for chess enthusiasts.

Differences between Circular Chess and Traditional Chess

Circular chess and traditional chess have several key differences that set them apart from each other. These dissimilarities contribute to unique gameplay experiences and strategies for both variants. Understanding the disparities between circular chess and traditional chess is crucial for players looking to explore the world of circular chess.

Circular Chess and the Circular Board

One of the primary distinctions between circular chess and traditional chess is the shape of the board. While traditional chess is played on a square board, circular chess is played on a round or circular board. The circular board adds a new dimension to the game, requiring players to think differently. The placement and movement of the pieces are influenced by the circular geometry, leading to unique strategic and tactical considerations.

Differences in Opening Theory

In traditional chess, opening theory has been extensively studied and developed over centuries. Players can rely on established opening principles and well-known openings. In contrast, opening theory in circular chess is less developed. This makes circular chess a more unpredictable and creative game, as players must rely on their own creativity and intuition to navigate the early stages of the game.

Distinct Endgame Characteristics

The endgame in circular chess differs from traditional chess in several ways. Circular chess has its own winning conditions and mate patterns, distinct from those of traditional chess. Players must adapt to these unique characteristics to successfully navigate the endgame in circular chess.

To summarize, circular chess and traditional chess differ in terms of the board shape, opening theory, and endgame characteristics. These differences contribute to the distinct gameplay experiences and strategic considerations in circular chess. Whether you’re a traditional chess enthusiast looking to explore something new or a newcomer to the world of chess, circular chess offers a fresh and engaging twist on the classic game.

Circular Chess Set Features and Materials

A circular chess set is a unique and visually appealing way to play the game of chess. It consists of a round chessboard and circular chess pieces that are specially designed to fit the circular board. The circle chessboard is designed in a circular shape, with rings representing the squares of a traditional chessboard. This adds a new dimension to the game, making it more challenging and intriguing.

The circular chess pieces are carefully crafted to match the circular board. They come in various shapes and sizes, offering a distinct and artistic touch to the game. The pieces may have different designs and motifs, further enhancing the aesthetic appeal of the set.

Here’s an example of what a circular chess set may look like:

Material Benefits
Wood Durable, natural aesthetic
Plastic Lightweight, affordable
Metal Elegant, luxurious

The choice of materials for a circular chess set can greatly impact its overall quality and aesthetic appeal. Wood is a popular choice for its durability and natural beauty. Plastic offers a lightweight and affordable option, making it ideal for casual players. Metal sets are often considered more luxurious and can add an elegant touch to any chess game.

Whether you prefer a classic wooden set, a modern plastic set, or a luxurious metal set, there is a circular chess set to suit your style and budget.

Imperfect Circle Chess Sets

Looking for a unique and affordable circle chess set? Consider the imperfect circle chess sets available. These sets may have minor flaws or imperfections, but they still offer the same high-quality gameplay experience.

Imperfect circle chess sets can have various imperfections, including:

  • Color mismatch
  • Size/design mismatch
  • Blemishes on the pieces or board

While imperfect, these sets are still functional and suitable for gameplay. They provide an opportunity to own a circle chess set at a reduced price.

Imperfect circle chess sets offer a chance to enjoy the unique gameplay of circle chess while saving some money. Despite their imperfections, these sets can still provide hours of strategic fun!

Before purchasing an imperfect circle chess set, make sure to read the description note, as there are no returns or replacements for these products. This ensures that you have a clear understanding of the imperfections and can make an informed decision.

Example of Imperfect Circle Chess Set

Imperfection Description
Color Mismatch Some squares may have slightly different shades of color than others.
Size/Design Mismatch The dimensions of the board or pieces may vary slightly, resulting in a minor deviation from the ideal shape.
Blemishes Small marks or imperfections may be present on the pieces or board surface.

Materials and Dimensions of Circle Chess Sets

Circle chess sets are crafted using a variety of materials, with sheesham wood and boxwood being popular choices. These materials are renowned for their durability and natural beauty, enhancing the aesthetic appeal of the chess set.

When it comes to the dimensions of a circle chess set, there is some variation, but a typical set may have a diameter of approximately 8-3/4 inches when closed and a height of 38mm. These measurements ensure a compact and portable design that can be easily stored and transported.

The weight of a circle chess set can range from 500 grams (17.6 oz), depending on the materials used. This weight strikes a balance between stability and maneuverability, providing a satisfying playing experience for chess enthusiasts of all skill levels.

Why Choose Sheesham Wood or Boxwood?

Sheesham wood and boxwood are popular choices for crafting circle chess sets due to their inherent qualities:

  • Sheesham Wood: Also known as Indian rosewood, sheesham wood is prized for its rich, dark color and intricate grain patterns. It is a robust and long-lasting material that can withstand frequent use, ensuring the longevity of the chess set.
  • Boxwood: Boxwood is a light-colored wood that provides a beautiful contrast to the dark squares of the circle chessboard. It is known for its smooth texture and fine grain, adding an element of elegance to the chess set.

Dimensions at a Glance:

Dimension Measurement
Diameter (when closed) Approximately 8-3/4 inches
Height 38mm
Weight Around 500 grams (17.6 oz)

“The combination of sheesham wood and boxwood adds sophistication and elegance to any circle chess set. These materials not only ensure durability but also contribute to the overall aesthetics of the chess set.” –

Shipping and Delivery of Circle Chess Sets

When it comes to getting your hands on a circle chess set, reliable shipping and delivery services are crucial. That’s why at Circle Chess Board, we partner with reputable courier companies like FedEx and DHL to ensure your order reaches you safely and in a timely manner.

Delivery times can vary depending on your location. If you’re in North America, the UK, Australia, the European Union, or India, you can expect your circle chess set to arrive within 4-6 days. For the rest of the world, delivery may take approximately 15-25 days. Please note that these are estimated delivery times and can vary depending on external factors.

When purchasing your circle chess set, it’s important to consider the shipping and delivery options available. We offer various shipping methods, including standard and expedited options, to cater to your needs. You can choose the option that best suits your preferences and requirements during the checkout process.

Once your order has been shipped, you will receive a tracking number that allows you to monitor the progress of your package. This ensures peace of mind and allows you to plan for the arrival of your circle chess set.

At Circle Chess Board, we understand the excitement of receiving your new chess set, and we strive to make the shipping and delivery process as smooth as possible. Our team is always available to assist you with any questions or concerns you may have regarding your order.

Now that you have all the information about shipping and delivery, it’s time to place your order and embark on an exciting journey of circular chess. Take your game to the next level with our unique and captivating circle chess sets!


Circle Chess Board offers a unique and challenging twist on traditional chess. With its circular board and modified gameplay, it provides a fresh and engaging experience for chess enthusiasts. The circular board adds a new dimension to the game, requiring players to think strategically and adapt their tactics. Whether you choose to play historical circular chess or modern circular chess, you’ll find yourself immersed in a game that tests your skills and pushes you to think outside the box.

Playing circle chess is not only about winning; it’s about exploring the possibilities and expanding your chess knowledge. The historical version of circular chess takes you back to its roots, allowing you to experience the game as it was played centuries ago. On the other hand, modern circle chess embraces innovation and encourages creativity in your approach.

So, if you’re ready to embark on a new chess adventure, give circle chess a try. Discover the strategic nuances of this game, unlock new tactics, and challenge yourself in a whole new way. Circle Chess Board opens up a world of exciting possibilities, where every move counts and the circular battlefield awaits your command. Get ready to take your chess game to the next level, and elevate your skills to become a true circle chess master!


What is Circular Chess?

Circular chess is a chess variant played on a circular board consisting of four rings, each with sixteen squares. It is a unique twist on traditional chess that requires players to adapt their strategies and tactics.

What is the history of Circular Chess?

Circular chess has been played since the 10th century AD and has its origins in Persia and Arabia. It was described in manuscripts and books by scholars like Ibnal-Khatibis and Muhammad ibn Mahmud Amuli.

What are the historical rules of Circular Chess?

The historical rules of circular chess were documented by Muhammad ibn Mahmud Amuli in his book ‘Treasury of the Sciences’. The game is played on a board with four concentric rings, each split into sixteen spaces, and follows similar rules to traditional chess.

How does modern Circular Chess differ from traditional chess?

Modern circular chess is played using a modified version of the orthodox chess setup. The board is obtained by cutting a traditional chessboard in half and bending the two halves to form a circle. The moves of the pieces are the same, but there are some differences in gameplay, such as the absence of castling.

What are the strategy and tactics in Circular Chess?

Strategy and tactics in circular chess require players to adapt their thinking to the circular board. The different geometry of the board affects the placement and movement of the pieces. Opening theory is less developed, making it a more creative and unpredictable game.

How does Circular Chess differ from Traditional Chess?

Circular chess adds a new dimension to the game with its circular board. The placement and movement of the pieces are affected by the circular geometry, leading to unique strategic and tactical considerations. The endgame also has distinct characteristics.

What does a Circular Chess Set consist of?

A circular chess set typically consists of a round chessboard and circular chess pieces. The chessboard is designed in a circular shape, with rings representing the squares. The pieces are specially designed to fit the circular board, with unique shapes and sizes.

What are Imperfect Circle Chess Sets?

Imperfect circle chess sets are chess sets that have minor flaws or imperfections. These imperfections may include color mismatch, size/design mismatch, or blemishes on the pieces or board. They are still of high quality but do not meet the strict standards of perfection.

What materials are Circle Chess Sets made from?

Circle chess sets are commonly made from materials such as sheesham wood or boxwood. These materials are known for their durability and natural beauty.

How are Circle Chess Sets shipped and delivered?

Circle chess sets are typically shipped using reliable courier services such as FedEx or DHL. Delivery times can vary depending on the destination, but it is important to understand the shipping and delivery options available when making a purchase.

Is Circle Chess a popular game?

Circle Chess offers a unique and challenging twist on traditional chess and has gained popularity in recent years. Tournaments are even organized to promote the game and showcase the skills of players.

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