Chess, a game of strategy and tactics, often brings players to ponder the value of individual pieces on the board.
Among the most debated subjects in this arena is the comparison between the knight and the bishop.
Are bishops truly more valuable than knights, or does the situation dictate the true worth of these pieces?
Bobby Fischer believed bishops were worth maybe 3.15-3.25 to the knight’s 3.00, using the standard piece value considerations. Kasparov believed similarly.
This means the bishop is perhaps 5-10% more powerful than the knight, all else equal.
However, it depends on the position.
Open Positions: Bishops Take The Lead
In completely open positions without pawns, the bishop shines brilliantly.
Its long-range diagonal movement can cover both light and dark squares if a player has both bishops, thus controlling a vast area of the board.
In such situations, the bishop’s reach and scope make it a formidable piece, often more effective than the knight.
And the bishop pair is often considered superior to a bishop and knight or two knights.
If players trade a bishop for a knight, they generally look for some other compensation, such as doubling the opponent’s pawns, like can happen in positions like the Ruy Lopez.
Closed Positions: Knights Have an Advantage
However, in closed positions, where pawns form barriers and obstruct pathways, the knight proves its mettle.
For starters, the pawns can severely hamper a bishop’s mobility.
The knight, with its unique L-shaped jump, can easily navigate through these barriers, accessing squares that a bishop can’t.
Moreover, these same pawns that hinder the bishop offer the knight strategic points of support, allowing it to anchor itself firmly and exert influence.
For example, in this position, black has an edge positionally, due to the closed position and the greater mobility of its knight versus the trapped position of the white bishop.
The Situational Value
While it’s tempting to assign a fixed value to the knight and bishop, their true worth is heavily situational.
In some game scenarios, a bishop pair might be invaluable, controlling key diagonals and putting enormous pressure on the opponent.
In others, a nimble knight might be the hero, jumping over obstacles and creating threats that a bishop simply can’t.
Example #1
For example, in the position below, black (with two knights) is superior to white (with two bishops) at an evaluation of approximately -4.00.
This is due to king safety, material advantage (a pawn), and better piece placement.
Also, in positions like these, the two knights can easily eliminate both bishops within a few moves, negating any advantage the bishop pair might have over the two knights.
Example #2
Below is another example of a situation where a knight has more value than a bishop.
Due to the closed nature of the Catalan Opening, the knight is more likely to have more value than it would in more open positions.
If white doesn’t capture the black knight (exchanging a bishop for a knight), the knight can do damage to white’s position by going to g4.
This opens up an attack on f2 with a check as well as an attack on the bishop on e5. It can also open up a diagonal for the black queen.

An alternative, but less strong, move for white would be 14. h6
Strategic Considerations
It’s crucial for players to recognize the state of the board and adapt their piece valuation accordingly.
If they find themselves in a position where their bishops have open diagonals and can exert pressure, they should aim to maximize that advantage.
Conversely, if the board is cluttered with pawns and the pathways seem blocked, it might be time to mobilize the knights and exploit their unique movement capabilities.
Knight vs Bishop, explained by GM Judit Polgar
FAQs: Knight vs. Bishop – Are Bishops More Valuable?
In a completely open board with no pawns, which piece is generally more powerful: the knight or the bishop?
In a completely open position without pawns, the bishop is generally considered more powerful due to its long-range diagonal movement.
This allows it to control a vast area of the board, especially when both bishops are active, covering both light and dark squares.
How does a closed position with many pawns affect the relative strengths of the knight and the bishop?
In closed positions where pawns form barriers and obstruct pathways, the knight tends to be superior.
Pawns can severely limit a bishop’s mobility, while the knight’s unique L-shaped jumps allow it to navigate these barriers, accessing squares a bishop can’t.
Additionally, pawns offer the knight strategic support points, further increasing its potency in such situations.
Why is having both bishops (often called “the bishop pair”) considered an advantage?
Having both bishops, or “the bishop pair,” is considered an advantage because they can control both the light and dark squares, thereby exerting influence over the entire board.
This becomes especially powerful in open positions where the bishops have unobstructed diagonals to work with.
Can a knight be more valuable than a bishop in endgame scenarios?
Yes, the value of the knight versus the bishop can change based on the specific endgame scenario.
For instance, in endgames with many pawns on both sides and limited open lines, a knight can often maneuver more effectively than a bishop.
However, in endgames where pawns are on one side of the board, a bishop might be more valuable due to its long-range capabilities.
How do grandmasters evaluate the worth of the knight vs. the bishop during a game?
Grandmasters consider several factors when evaluating the worth of the knight vs. the bishop.
These include the current pawn structure, the potential for the position to open up or remain closed, and the specific strategic requirements of their position.
They also consider the activity and potential of the pieces: an active knight in a strong outpost might be more valuable than a passive bishop, and vice versa.
Are there famous games or strategies that showcase the superiority of one piece over the other?
Yes, numerous famous games highlight the strengths of either the knight or the bishop.
For example, games featuring the Nimzo-Indian Defense often revolve around the battle between knights and bishops.
Players like Anatoly Karpov and Tigran Petrosian have demonstrated the power of knights in closed positions, while players like Garry Kasparov have showcased the might of the bishop pair in open positions.
Is there a general point value assigned to knights and bishops in chess literature?
In traditional chess literature, both knights and bishops are assigned a value of 3 points, putting them on equal footing.
However, this valuation is a simplification, and the true worth of these pieces can vary greatly depending on the specific position and game situation.
How can beginners learn to better assess the value of the knight and bishop in their games?
For beginners, it’s essential to play and review games, paying particular attention to how knights and bishops function in different positions.
Studying classic games can also provide insight.
Over time, with experience and study, players will develop a more nuanced understanding of when and how to utilize these pieces to their maximum potential.
So, are bishops more valuable than knights?
The answer isn’t black and white.
While bishops might command open positions with their long-range influence, knights dance effortlessly in closed terrains, making them indispensable in their own right.
True mastery lies in understanding when to leverage the strength of each piece.